So you bought the EM-406, the EB-85, the uBlox-4, & the helical uBlox-5. Now you're wondering what to do with all the GPS modules everyone hyped but which turned out to be utter trash everyone was trying to get rid of. Time to make a GPS guided speedometer.
It starts with our 1st & only answering machine in the days when cell phones were novelties. It got us through grad school. Really well designed for the available technology. It was time to put it down for recycled components.
All that tearing for a crummy LED panel.
This LED panel has 2 grounds & 1 pin for each segment. It goes up to 1.9V before getting too bright. The digit is selected by the ground, so it has to alternate.
Went with the obsolete EB-85.
There it is. All it does is show current velocity. No logging or other information. Could be done with a phone much more easily but this is free & fills the exact, immediate need as fast as possible.
With only 2 digits, it shows speed * 10 below 10mph & integer speed up to 99mph. Didn't have a display with a decimal point in the middle.
If we could afford a better display, the next most important feature would be elapsed distance.
If only MMY mobile could go back in time like the real thing.
Now the video of GPS guided speedometer in action. The velocity lags if direction changes. It really lags when walking from a complete stop. It's completely unreadable in daylight but useful at night.
Quite awesome! Never would have thought of that application but very unique!
- Jeff
Suggest switching some of the segment connections so that the numbers show up as being mirrored.
Then mount it on the dash pointing up into the windscreen. And Voila, a head up display.
I see a high amount of noise prportional to acceleration^3.2.:: +_ is consistant with the time/space reverse causality factor. But other than that, I would bet that you are behind your self.
Be careful with what you do Jack. Playing with time is not for armatures.
Nice, it's interesting to see how much it lagged in the turn. I've never seen a side by side comparison before.
Thanks for sharing.
It's surprisingly accurate. I wouldn't have expected the results to be that good. great stuff.