HobbyKing FPV / UAV Fiberglass Kit Now Available!

FPV168.jpgFeaturing a full fiber glass fuselage with built up ply and balsa construction the HobbyKing FPV / UAV is set to raises the bar in FPV performance. The large motor mount area allows for a variety of motor sizes depending on your application. A slick fiber glass finish provides superior aerodynamics while the ridge airframe offers a greater level of flight performance. The large clear canopy is perfectly suited to FPV applications or can be removed or modified with ease for a custom setup. The Fuselage boasts ample space for FPV equipment and will allow for a variety of custom setups.

You will require a 35 to 42 size Burshless outrunner, 5 x 9g servos (one for each control surface and one for the steerable nose wheel), a 40 to 60Amp ESC, 3s to 4s 2200mah~4400mah Lipo battery and your own transmitter and receiver (Tx/Rx). All the general hard ware (Push rods, screws, landing gear etc) is included to get this kit underway.

Some modeling experience will be required to complete this kit, However the finished product will be of a high quality with superior flight characteristics and will last a life time.

Wing Span: 1660mm
Fuselage: 1190mm
Motor Mount Diameter: 58mm
Distance From Center of Mount to Fuse: 114mm
Dry Weight: 1300g

Motor: 35 to 42 series Outrunner
ESC: 40a to 60A
Servo: 5 x 9g
Battery: 3s to 4s 2200mah~4400mah


Available here: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=15236

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  • To be honest, Elapor and the like is just about the ultimate hobbyist material. It would be nice if it look a litle more asthetically pleasing but you just can't stop the stuff from flying. I was trying to fly my Easystar through a soccer goal the other day and it went badly wrong. Picked it up, and threw it back into the air, you could hardly even see the dent in the wing. Top stuff!
  • Hmm, yes I see your point.  I am reminded of a gliding instructor telling me "You start flying with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience.  The trick is to fill your bag of experience before you empty your bag of luck!"
  • @john I would definately start with a foamie. Fiberglass is a one mistake material :)
  • well, usually planes have big tails so when the wind hits them side on, the tail turns the plane to face the eind.  It's kid of 'self correcting' referrred to as cross track. But with a big fuselage area the whole plane just drifts with the wind and you will have to turn it to compensate for the gust, rather than it turning itself.


    I don't have one of these but I made a similar plane with that mistake.  It's an inconvenience more than a problem though, you get used to it!

  • @Hamish - What difference does the side area make if you are flying in wind?  Is it a problem when you are launching?  On the ground it would make taxiing it difficult but I don't suppose you'd do that anyway?

    @Davey - I'm quite interested in buying this.  I can do the radio/software/hardware bit but I'm a n00b when it comes to flying RC aircraft.  WOuld this be suitable or would I be better off with a foam model for starters?

  • I wouls say fitting an APM would be trivial. Its basically a fiberglass skywalker. You can get to the most of the space through the front magnetic windshield.

  • @hamish

    I have no idea, its sitting in its box exactly as I received it. Moving to Quads. I dont think it has a much bigger side area than a skywalker?
  • Personally, I think it looks like a very nice airframe. I can agree it would be quite difficult to fit an autopilot into it with the limited access. I liked what Roger said about the 'UAV connection from some optimistic marketing guy', its so true I think. This would definitely be geared towards the FPV on full manual control no UAV. I think they should start making airframes with more useful locations for access, like a side panel can come off or top and bottom can come off for access. I suppose if your not doing UAV activities with it, the more access points are not needed.
  • how does it fly? in wind
  • If anyone in the Uk wants one of these PM me. Ive had one shipped in and its actually quite well made considering the Hobbyking horror stories Id heard (first purchase). The wing is wood and quite nicely put together, completely sheeted.

    Its cost me about £130 inc shipping and customs and Im happy to let it go for that. Ive decided to move into quads since buying it (it took forever to ship, over a week before it even left the warehouse).
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