"Hmm, yes I see your point. I am reminded of a gliding instructor telling me "You start flying with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill your bag of experience before you empty your bag of luck!""
"I'm trying to get a better idea of scale. How long is it overall? Do you think it could climb stairs? And I can't find anyone who sells them in the UK :-("
"@Hamish - What difference does the side area make if you are flying in wind? Is it a problem when you are launching? On the ground it would make taxiing it difficult but I don't suppose you'd do that anyway?
@Davey - I'm quite interested in buying…"
"Just been reading all of this and I agree what he achieved with basically hobby equipment was amazing, however I saw a few comments along the lines of "what harm can a foam RC model do to a real aircraft of helicopter?". OK maybe a few 100 grams of…"
"Looks nice, I have some ~10mm diameter CF tubes which would make good quad arms but I hadn't thought of a good way to attach them to the central mounting plates. Your little cube blocks look good. How did you cut out the plates? CNC?"