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  • Go fo an fma charger.

    I buy everything in HK, but not chargers. Never. An 4S charger is safeer, cheaper(!) and far better.


  • Moderator
    +1 on the IMAX B6 Charger mentioned by Chris.
  • I have this one Hobby king charger and it compares well with my expensive Hyperion charger, Always look for the watts on a charger higher the better. You never know what batteries are in your future and 50w will just not cut it with higher voltage/amps.
  • You are very lucky my friend. This was not a lipo disaster. You narrowly avoided that. nicd charchers look for a peak in voltage and then quit. lipo's never peak they just go to too high a voltage and turn into blow torches or bombs.

    As for your choice of a Skyfun for your first plane, not good. I have one and imho it is definitely not for beginners. Save the Skyfun until you have mastered a trainer type aircraft. Something slow and no ailerons. The Skyfun is pretty fast and not very big. It will get very small in a hurry and its harder to orient visually. It is also very responsive to roll input.


  • I'd give it to the LHS as a gift "to show customers what can happen".
  • To dispose your swollen lipo, pour water into a plastic recipient, add a handfull salt, put the recipient out of the house and let the lipo fall into the water. It will start making bubbles, showing the oxydation reaction starts. Leave it for a few days in the water. After that, you may dispose of the battery as any other battery junk without the risk it catches fire when eventualy perforated by other battery junk.
  • It's called a Dynamite Charger because it makes LiPos go *BOOM*

    Sorry, I realise that wasn't helpful but I couldn't help myself.
  • T.D.

    fortunately (?) I never experienced such an experience. But I always charge my lipos in a metal box (there are lipo safe bags too).

    I never leave inside my house (or car) a crashed one, they stay in quarantine outside some days, before going inside to decide how to handle them.

    Batteries requires care. This probably is the good reason for people never having batteries problems (cross finger :D ).

    Best regards,


  • That was meant to say "ouch" not "picn" - I hate predictive text.
  • Picn! Glad you were watching it. I presume you quickly took it outside and left it for a good while before disposing it? I've known then to go bang 30 minutes after expanding!
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