seeds (2)

Open Tech for Global Reforestation


We are the Dronecoria team, and we believe technology can help to fight the climate crisis.

One of the most effective ways to mitigate climate change and restore the health of our ecosystems is reforestation. To speed up this process we invented Dronecoria; an open source set of tools for large scale, low cost reforestation.

And we just launched a Crowdfunding campaign to improve this objectives, here is the video:

If we raise enough, we will do a pilot test to show the success rate of a reforestation of 30.000 trees in Spain.

Our goal is also to give this drones for free to different environmental organizations around the world: in Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Paraguay, Kenya and Madagascar, to scale up large scale reforestation with drones, and build a community that uses this open technology.

We use Pixhawk 4 as flightboard with Ardupilot/PX4, using the trigger camera settings to open the seed spreading mechanism.


Actually it's a drone designed to have a 8 liters water bottle in the middle as a seed deposit. Is laser-cutted in 5mm plywood, because is cheap, lightweight and easy to replicate, you can check their technical caracteristics.

We are evolving this drone to make it smaller with some motors looking up and others looking down, in order to make easy the transportation by car and airplane.


This is the design of Dronecoria V7 that we are creating with the crowdfunding, is smaller and lighter, and has some improvements too, like a lower center of gravity.

With version 6 we achieve 42 minutes of flight time with no payload and 16 Amp batteries, since we can sow an hectare in around 6 minutes, the operations of this drone are quite fast and we will use smaller batteries to improve the efficiency of the operations.

Please help us to fight deforestation with this open source drones, by contribute today or share the campaign.


Thank you!

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A drone to reforest Brazil

We spend the last month in Brazil in the University of Rondonopolis to build a drone for large scale restoration.

This is the video of the construction process. It can sow up to 10 kg of coated seeds in 10 minutes in 1 hectare.

Dronecoria was invited by the university to use the technology of drones to face the wildfires and illegal logging that are devastating the region, and investigate how drones could be useful in the seeding tasks.

The pilot project was developed as a workshop in drone building, repairing, and seed coating, to provide to the university with a powerful tool to experiment and investigate with aerial sowing procedures to deploy after the tests in the experimentation site.

The frame is open source, and we use Pixhawk as flight controller.
You can get more info in our site: or in our social networks: linkedin, instagram, facebook or twitter.

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