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  • Wiki Ninja

    Good job! Next step is to buy a tablet and a 3DR radio. Whew! This getting real expensive, lol. I would like to try this on my APM 1.4 equipped Skywalker. BTW, data and telemetry are just dependent on the range of the 3DR radio? Correct me if I'm wrong. 

  • Developer

    With this release what Android device to buy? My G1 is really out of date. Too many choices.

  • Yes, it runs on Android phones & tablets.  It will run on anything with a web browser.

    Yes, multiple clients can all be connected simultaneously and add waypoints (well, a single waypoint--there's no mission editing yet, just double clicking to fly to a location).

    John, the README at might help you understand the pieces and how they fit together.

    multi-platform ground station for drones that speak the MAVLink protocol - wiseman/mavelous
  • Sounds cool but you really need a better video to show exactly whats going on with the software and how everything is linked together. I had a hard time following the video.

  • Moderator

    Andoid GCS FTW. Lets see more of it running on the smaller phone :D

  • Distributor

    Awesome stuff!!  If multiple clients are connected ( one on laptop and another on a phone), are both able to add waypoints and commands at the same time? 

  • can this run on ANDROID tablet PC?

  • Developer

    That is really great!  very impressive

  • Are there any plans to get mavproxy or equivalent on a serial -> wifi access point or something? So an Ipad/iphone can be used?

    There must be something out there on offer which has a serial port and wifi, runs linux and is under $50. Stick an Xbee on it and it's done.

    Would be pretty cool as you could have your main GCS on a laptop, and a mini HUD/critical telemetry on your iphone which is velcro'd to your tx!

    Not to mention other people milling about could also connect and view the telem on their phone.

  • Impressive!!

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