The Easy Star Electronics Chassis is being added to the DIY Drones store today. This accessory allows you to mount your APM/Oilpan, GPS Module (Mediatek or uBlox), Differential Pressure Breakout, Receiver, and pan/tilt camera mount on your Easy Star. The chassis provides access to the CLI switch, USB connector, and the Reset button as well as providing a clear view of the ‘ABC’ LED’s on the Oilpan at all times. It is also compatible with two GPS modules; the uBlox module can be mounted to the vertical plate near the back and the Mediatek gps module fits perfectly on the shelf above that (or you could use some double sided tape and stick any module anywhere). Most receivers should fit on the top base and can easily route wires to the APM beneath. The APM is mounted on the bottom and once it is mounted there is no reason to take it out as everything is accessible, but if the need arises, the bottom plate is designed to pop out more easily than the rest of the chassis so there is no need to take it all apart.
The chassis will be sold in two configurations, one with the pan/tilt camera mount (which you might recognize from Jeff’s post earlier in the week) and one without. Hope you like it and happy flying.
Hi, is the CAD distributed now? Asking as the version with camera pan/tilt is not in the store...
I used a velcro strip
What kind of screws did you use to mount the ardupilot to the chassis?
Its out!!! sorry for all the delays. We have been quite busy. Ill make a blog post about it soon
Fantastic - thanks Alan.
Allan & Shane, there was a delay on our magnet shipment. It should all show up this coming monday/tuesday. The bixler chassis should be available then.
thanks Alan looking forward to it :)
Hey guys sorry for the late reply. We have been really busy making quads and getting ready for a CNN interview (today) as well as moving to a bigger place :S . All that should be done this friday, so im hoping sometime early next week for the bixer chassis. Its mostly done, Jeff took it for a few spins and crashes and its looking good. Ill keep you posted.
An update on the bixler chassis situation would be greatly appreciated. Is it still on the way, or should I just get the EasyStar chassis and try to make it fit?