You all have heard and seen the commercial for Tempurpedic mattress
where the girl jumps on one end and the glass of wine on the other end
that doesn't spill ?
Look them up on the internet and request a free sample. Perfect size and
it REALLY kills the vibration, especially on ArduCopter.
Put this stuff in the Professional housing box under and around the mega and you will be all set.
Do mean you use Velcro instead of any padding? Or do you use padding and Velcro straps to hold the unit down?
This stuff is awesome if anybody is looking for adhesive vibration tape. I use it to mount my APM.
Remember: A bad design can actually make things worse for vibration damping.
Funny you should mention it. I was just reading about sorbothane.
There is a product called sorbothane, a foamlike rubber product, I think that could be used to make vibration mounts. Also there are dandy vibration isolators in different sizes used to mount hard drives and other components in computers.
@Earl - the foam is a bit thick. I wonder if they have it in thinner strips. For the traditional heli we need about 1cm ~1.2cm thickness. PM me if you know of a good source and we will add it to the parts list.
vibration is a super big deal (although the current OilPan gyros are a lot beter than others I've seen).
Any idea if magnetometers are actually affected by vibration? I don't see why they would be actually.
One last thing - the latest arduCopter code allows you to set the magnetometer orientation. The above shown orientation would require a change to one line of code as mentioned on the wiki. Look for "setOrientation" here.