Hey again all DIY'rs, hope you are all well and having as much fun flying as we are!
Just a very quick one here, we've just uploaded a short clip of the new SteadiDrone QU4D. After taking it out for a few hours where we really through it around hard, we must say it's a pretty sweet solid quad. We've spent many hours trying to make this the easiest and most practical quadcopter to use and travel with, as high performance and feature rich as we could possible make it for what we think is a pretty good price point for a fully RTF kit with it's unique features.
As with all our systems, it's flying the trusted ArduCopter code and altough we did have a few crashes (as you'l see in the video) they were due to us having a little too much fun, no technial issues at all. Anywoo, for more info, specs etc have a look at the website www.steadidrone.com
Here's the clip, please let us know your thoughts and comments, we hope you like it as much as we do. Thanks again to all the devs for the great code!
over and out.
lol ok thanks, this is last years video as you can tell by the date, here's our new one, hope you approve ;)
Hi, Duran, I am impressed! This is really an inspirational video! I liked the designing of your SteadiDrone QU4D. But you could have created the video with the help of a video production company. They would have done a perfect job. I mean, the theme is just inspirational and your designing is superb. And why didn't you think of making an awesome video with that? Make it popular, let people know about your creativity!
It is amazing to me how little it took! Such a small amount of dampening really made that much difference!
It would be great to see a .log file with RAW turned on with and without the dampening!
Great work!
Hey again ALL! Hope your out flying!
Here's a quick update on the vibration damping system we've been working on, 100% isolation between the tube and motor mounts, we've found it removed practicaly 100% of any jello and we dont see any in our recently shot footage!
Le us know your thoughts! Also have a look at the video again, it's been updated with some new footage
Heyagain all, we've done some new filming with the improved damping system we've developed on each motor mount, no direct contact between tube and actualy motor mount, works like a dream. Herewith a new updated version of the QU4D video, with some new and additional clips! Enjoy
SteadiDrone QU4D from Motion Pixel on Vimeo.
but you are right about "panning rolling shutter" when you pan the camera faster than the lines get scanned you end-up with skewed image, here faster scanning will help.
@Jhon, not very scientific :) but I'll try. Think that you have vibration as line that go from down - up over the sensor (that the lines getting scanned) so if you set fast shutter it will capture more of those lines and put them in one frame.. If you lower the shutter speed it will take more time and the line will be captured less times ( or will get blurred, like in the example with propeller ) lower shutter in digital cams like gopro its basically scanning the lines at lower speed giving more light time for row (or as longer exposure in still photo for one frame), so you end-up with less misaligned scanned lines in the frame.
Nice quad, water fly over is cool.
It's counter-intuitive to me as well, but there is plenty of evidence suggesting that ND filters help with jello. I myself have seen it as well. Heck, just fly at noon and then at dusk with a Gopro and you will see the difference