Dedicated to the exchange of useful information between members using the Arduino or other families of processors for autonomous rovers.

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Before Posting an Issue

Hi All,

Before posting an issue or a problem in the ArduRover Discussion Forum, please check the wiki table of contents, review the firmware release notes in the subforum, and search that subforum for existing answers to your question. Help avoid duplicate threads by finding other members with the same issue and their solution.

When formulating your post, use a descriptive title such as "rover will not navigate to waypoints in the Auto mode" (not "HELP!" or "Problem").

Please include the following information to help diagnose your query:

  • Describe the problem you are having. What is the expected verses the observed behavior?
  • Provide hardware information such as the brand and version of your autopilot, GPS, radio, and compass, as well as any other pertinent details about your rover setup.
  • What version of the APM: ArdurRover2 firmware version are you running?
  • For navigation issues, provide your tlog and/or dataflash log. Click here for instructions on retrieving a dataflash log.


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  • @Linus

    Thanks, Looking forward to your posts. I have some experience but fairly new. I like to have my UAV "lawn mower" ready for the spring. :)


    Great idea. Perhaps the experienced members would like to post a topic occasionally. From basic to complex works for me. If I don't understand then I will say something. :)

    I like the manual.and perhaps we can have some content that we could add.

    "I'm just saying...." - Texas term :)

  • Glad to see some conversation here, even though it's about not working on rovers!

    Hey, it would be awesome if some of you "veterans" could direct us "youngsters" to an explanation of the differences between ArduPlane and ArduRover, if such a repository exists. I am actually interested in doing an autonomous boat, but a rover seems to be about the closest thing to it these days. I have lots of questions but poring through the forums is rather slow and exhausting. For starters, am I even talking to the right group? I would think there are enough similarities b/n rover and boat to get off to a good start anyway. Thanks in advance.


  • Developer


    i will move to a new apartment in the end of the month, and i hope to work again on my rover in september. I will keep you up to date


  • Congrats on the new call!


  • @KM6VV

    Have fun. I just passed the Technician test on 8/11 and received my call sign 5 days later. KD0SWA

    @ Thomas J Coyle III

    I retired in 2002 and the "honey does" list got longer. Only problem is you don't have a job to escape to.


  • I've got time on my vacation to study Ubuntu and ROS.  I've got both loaded on my PC.  A lot of stuff to set up. 

    Our HBRobotics club has a TurtleBot (ROS), and I will be able to borrow it and study how it's configured.  Turns out, you also need a PC with Ubuntu and ROS to network with it and do teleoperation.  So my Ubuntu PC with ROS will be used for the workbench.  After I get a good handle on the parts and how they play together, I should be able to extrapolate the TurtleBot code onto my mini-ITX


  • @Thomas

    Great to hear. I know what you mean about the honey do list. I was hoping to work on mine the entire labor day weekend but the wife and I are going to Austin. This weekend for sure.

    I'm looking forward to retiring but another 10 years away, we had Florida in mind also.

  • Admin


    I just retired from Raytheon in TX and moved to my retirement home in Davie Florida and fully intended to continue working on my Traxxas E-Maxx ArduRover, but the wife still has me doing "honey dos" so no progress yet. I hope to work on my rover this weekend and start some meaningful dialogue here on our user group.



  • Good day,

    Where is all the activity in this user group? I just joined recently and was looking forward to some interesting topics, brain-shattering discussions and wild opinions.

    Do we have competitions to test our prowess?

    I'm buliding a quadcopter and I do have an "Ardurover" currently in development (Lawn mower - tired of cutting my lawn) My "lawn mower" is waiting for the APM2.

    I'm still learning.




  • Moderator

    I would be great of my Ardurover could follow me like my Mikrokopter does.  I basically want a little toolbox that follows me rathering than having to carry the thing from to car to the flying field.  I've got 6WD Wild Thumper which seems to be able to carry a small load.  Any ideas on how to do follow me with Ardurover?

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New rover advice

Hi, i am looking to build a new rover, but i need some advice on the chassis. I like the 4wd chassis/tank look and prefer it over the crawler/rc look.are those any good though? most people recommend crawlers.I am looking to get something from banggood, any advice will be highly appreciated. thanks

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skid steer vehicle steering uncontrollable

Hi all, I have a skid steer robot using a pixhawk cube, one 1x15 roboclaw motor controller and a dagu wild thumper 4 wheel chassis. I have skid steering working so far, testing motor c and motor d tests works as described and the vehicle can be controlled in manual mode. However, upon using any mode other than manual mode the rover wants to shake and pivot on the spot, and it seems the steering PID controller oscillates and these oscillations get larger. i have tried everything but it is still…

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Traxxas X-Maxx ROVER ESC advice

Hi,I have converted a Traxxas X-Maxx into a rover using the Pixhawk Cube 2 controller kit with a Here GNSS.I swapped out the original X-Maxx remote controller for an X6R receiver and Taranis QX7 radio.latest version of ArduRover firmware installed as of 8/11/18.  The rover has an EZRun Max6 ESC. The problem now is the ESC control over the transition into reverse. The ESC is currently set to it's Running Mode Option 2: "Forward/Reverse with Break", AKA the "Double Click Method".What this mode…

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Help! No throttle or steering response!

Hi all.I know this is an Adurover group, but Thought I would reach out and try my odds for some help as I'm perplexed by this problem. I have a Traxxas X-Maxx set up with a Pixhawk Cube 2.1 and the Here GPS. I'm using a Tarranis X7 remote controller and a X8R Sbus Receiver. I'm using QGroundControl with the latest, Pixhawk 1.8.0 Firmware with the Generic Rover airframe profile installed. As instructed, I have Steering servo wired into Main 2 and Throttle ESC wired into Main 4. Sensors are…

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