Elijah Wood's Discussions (12)

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Problem with Arducopter V2.5.5

I tried uploading the newest version of code into my arducopter, but for some reason when I go to the serial monitor it just constantly sends:





This continues to infinity.

It compiles fine, but I'm getting this suspicious error:


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Arducopter - waypoint prerequisites


So, I've been using my arducopter for quite a while (manually). I really want to experiment with fully automated flights.

Is it all ready to go? Any thing I need to do before I go and have it auto take off, maintain altitude, and land? I don't wan

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Increasing flight time

Hello all!I'm currently using a 2200ma LiPo battery on board my craft. I'm getting 5 minutes of flying time. This is way to short for what I need it to do. I would love to get at least 15 minutes. Is that possible? 

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Arducopter FLIP

Hey guys!


Really happy with my copter, had it for a while, been able to knockout some kinks. Sill haven't tried full autonomous yet, but I want to figure out why it's doing this:


It's flipping! For no reason. Not sure why. Haven't flipped high altitu

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Yawing right without input

Hello all!I had this problem a while ago: my copter is yawing right almost uncontrollably. I have to use FULL left yaw to keep it still. I just bought a new frame from sexycopter.com because I thought maybe that the motor mounts were not centered, bu

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Yaws to the right with more power...

For some reason, my arducopter yaws left with less power than it does right. Like, when I yaw right, it's fast, and responsive, but when I yaw left, it's slow, and takes a while to turn.What PID values can I change that will fix this? I just balanced

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Unable to charge LiPos

I went through 2 3 cell 2200ma batteries. I get this weird problem:On my charger I get an overvoltage error even though I've just been flying with it for a good 5-6 minutes. I get an undervoltage error on the other one, after just charging it and the

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Arducopter HELP!

Ok, I just got my arducopter stuff in the mail today. SUPER excited. Built everything, following the online wiki instructions to the letter.

Finished it about an hour ago!

First thing I did:

1. Plugged in the battery - the APM did NOT turn on. No smokin

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