Can somebody help me with following problem ?

Today was relatively bad wind and I flew in loiter/stab with my Y6B and everything was ok. But during second flight copter start do circles in loiter. You can see them as perfect sinuses on end of chart. I moved copter slightly so it moved but continue in circling.

It is Pixhawk with 3.2.1, NEO 8 (HDOP 1.12 with few jumps to 1.18, 17/16 sats) and external (on GPS mounted) compass. 

I ended flight in stabilize mode so everything is ok but it was pretty strange.

I am not sure but it is possible that wind calmed in time when copter start doing circles. Can be this reason (because copter need much less power to fight against wind)  ?

As you can see, there is not I2C errors and vibrations are far under any limits.



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  • Circling means bad compass calibration or magnetic interference
    • I am aware of this but how it can happen during flight ? Declination is fixed, Auto Dec is disabled

      • it can be as simple as difference in heading, even an bad compass is "correct" at a certain heading.

        also, how fast it's flying when you expect it to stop in loiter, a slow takeover with small corrections can result in an minimal circle.

        - when unsure about magnetometer, fly "fast" 2m/s is enough then observe the precision stop in loiter at different headings. (you want it to just "brake" and stop , not go left/right of the bearing you had.)  - you will notice that some are better than others unless magnetometer is spot on.

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