AdruPlane 3.4 crash in manual mode

Hi guys hope this is the right place to post this.

I am new to pixhawk and Adruplane, I have had a crash with my Skywalker using a pixhawk with fw 3.4.
I checked the control surface in FBWA and manual and all was good, then launched the plane in manual and all went well for second or two until I realised I had not control of ailerons or rudder and elevator, I then reduced th as it was doing a side loop and heading down to the group and new I could not control the plane. The rc rx came off during crash and think thats what triggered the RTL.

I also see there are EKF errors but don't get these when at my home. I also did a range test which on the ground was further than when it crashed but then again I could still controll th?

I have attached the log file could someone pls have a look at it and tell me what it could be.



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  • @Charl Mc Gregor In Mission Planner, go to the full parameter list and look for the RC_reverse function. There should be different RC_reverse functions which corresponds to each individual flight surface control. With the propeller removed, for safety reasons, of course, see if you are able to reverse the ailerons.

    Also, spend a bit of your time, reading through this ArduWiki

  • Sorry I have attached bin file.

    Yes like flying forward and upwards with roll left until facing nose down to the ground, if that makes sense.

    Thank you for your reply Andre.


    • Logged RCOut is following RCIN nicely. Servo voltage says servo power was ok.

      So : servos get expected input.

      As the plane rolled to the left, you applied more and more aileron until full aileron that gave low PWM of 1097.

      my question would be; if you have low PWM of 1097, is the left aileron all way down ? - it should be...

      • Nope its up....think you nailed it in mission planner aileron is rev, I should then uncheck mission planner and then rev on tx. where can I find more about rev and pwn value so I can check the other channels. Thanks man :-)

        • Nope just did that...I should only change it in mission planner so that right aileron has lower value.

          • But then it moves in the wrong direction.

            • I got this from the wiki.

              The green bars should move in the same direction as the transmitter sticks (except for Pitch where the bars move opposite to stick movements – low values are forward, high values are back). If the green bars move in the wrong direction, reverse them using your RC transmitter’s channel-reverse function (see your RC gear’s manual for guidance).

              Would that not mean pushing aileron right should be the high value, which my setup does but when standing at the back of the plane when i push left (lower value) the the left aileron moves up which would educe a left roll.  Or am I missing something here.

              Thanks for the help :-)

              • Yes in manual mode moving the stick right is high value, the right aileron will move up, this will drop the right wing and the plane will roll to the right, similarly left stick moves left aileron up.

                Be sure to check using FBWA mode that the control surfaces also move in the correct direction to counter the movement of the plane, it's here in the wiki. :-)

                • Hi Martin.

                  This is how it was as you explained and wiki. Thanks.

                  What I found is that when I have given TH aileron has no out put but does show movement in MP. Reboot at working again???

                  • Thanks Francisco, I have done it like that but still loos control on ailerons when launch the plane.

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