
  • Hi all

    i am using a DX8R II Plus receiver , re flashed with D8R-XP_CPPM_27ms firmware so i could get cppm from it. Question is, this reciever is not SBUS is it? i know it has hi level serial as this was the port i used to reflash with without a level converter, can i connect my apm using uart2 (which is also used for my 3dr radio and minimosd)  via a level converter to this port so i can get telemetry ? if so i would only need to connect the tx from APM to Rx on the reciever ?  i have done the 9xr mod, and just wondering what firmwarei will use to display mavlink?  why are they in this link using a arduino mini in the serial link between the APM and Rx ?

    Also on my fryskyDJT module , there is a IC called a spx3232, its a serial level converter, if i use pin 11 and 12 these are logic level serial, i wouldnt need to mount an external level converter inside the transmitter like everone is doing? and maybe a couple of small signal diodes on the tx, rx so i dont have to remove the module during flashing?

    Thank you for your time


    • Flashing it with d8r xp enables CPPM output, not SBUS
      • do i need to comunicate with the rx via sbus? can i not connect it via uart2 rx/tx  via a level converter to the rx/tx on my receiver?

  • Hi! I have a teensy 2.0 and opentx 2.0.17, pixhawk 3.3rc7. I am using wolke's firmware on teensy 2.0 and it works perfectly.

    Will this firmware still work if I update to lateSt opentx and using the same teensy 2.0 board?
  • I have been trying to compile this for weeks now, and keep getting errors, I have the teensy 3.q and arduino pro 328. I have copied all the libraries, reinstalled arduino, tried different versions nothing works, any tips???
  • Hi all,

    I asked myself if it is possible to show Simple Mode, Super S. Mode and Autotune on the Taranis display via telemetry. I am using the scripts of Luis V. (with some smaller modifications) but i was not able to find out which value in the telemetry stream does contain this information.

    The background is that Simple Mode was accidentally set on my system without being aware of it! This caused some major headache before i found out what the reason was for the strange behavior of the copter :)

    Thanks for your help and happy flying.


    • Hi,

      I looked for that info (Simple/Supersimple) on the Mavlink messages and gave up at the time, and I believe that flight modifiers were not reported but I can be wrong (I often am :) ). 

      I'll check if these were changed for 3.3.

      • Hi Paul and Luis,

        thanks for your support. I also think this not easy to manage. May i try Pauls suggestion.

        Have a good week.


    • So, I went over same problem not too long ago and found easier way to solve this.

      Taranis will inform you with switch warning if you have left any switches in ON position after power up.

      So all you do - you move autotune on to switch SA and simple mode on to switch SB, they are assigned to channels 10 and 11, and then I assigned those channels their own dedicated options- for autotune and simple mode.

      all regular flight modes do not have anything set for simple mode, so only SB switch position controls this. this way you can turn it on and off and never can just forget it.

      Super Simple I stopped using completely as it was glitching sometimes when drone gets close to controller and I do not need that at all.

  • Wolke,

    I checked offset.lua and it is written to allow the "BatCap Wh" value to go upto 250, but strangely, when I run the script on my Taranis with f/w ver 2.0.17 I can only set this upto 157. Try to go above this value, it returns to zero. Any ideas why? I realise that the value entered in this screen gets written as a global variable, and when I check the global variables screen for my model, I can see the value 157 in position FM2 under GV9, which corresponds with this "BatCap Wh" value. In the global variables screen I can then choose to increase the value beyond 157, but even if I set this to 250, the offset.lua screen still shows it as 157. Very strange! Maybe a firmware bug in 2.1.17?

    Also, can I please ask for a feature request for the new version you are working on? I would like that when the "BatCap Wh" is set to 0 that this feature is disabled (at the moment, zero means zero, so setting this to zero makes the alarm sound right away.

    Thanks for your awesome work, I am very grateful for your efforts and would be lost without your scripts.


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