
      • Thanks for quick reply. I should have put more details in my post. I don't use separate voltage meter to get individual cell measurements. I'm just trying to get overall battery voltage from flight controller. I thought it's possible. I checked instructions to disable the "Single Cell Lipo Voltage Monitor" functionality to use reported Mavlink voltage instead. 

        I start thinking maybe my flight controller is not properly configured to provide voltage measurements to telem port.


        Re logging. I tried to telnet to Teensy and I can connect to it, but I'm not seeing what's going on. I thought logging is enabled by default. 


        This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to Clooney82/MavLink_FrSkySPort where we work together on this. Please d…
        • I think you must configure the SR rates for the according serial port (SR2 and SR0) in MP full parameter list.

          I found nothing recommended so I took the values for the minimosd I found there::



          • Thanks, Gregor. Fascinating read. :)

            SR values are not correctly written back after the change. I think it's known bug. Unfortunately, for me it affects both APM Planner 2.0.15 on Mac and Mission Planner 1.3.22 on Windows.

            To reproduce I just changed some SR0_*, SR1_* and SR2_* values to recommended in this thread.

            Then click on "Write To" button.

            Disconnect, reconnect and click on "Refresh" under Full Parameters List.

            Most changed SR values are back to what they were before the change...

            I might have to roll back to much older version of Mission Planner on Windows and try it again, but somehow I don't feel very optimistic about this.

            Any other ideas?

            • I upgraded to latest APM Planner 2.0.17 and changed again all SR* values in Full Parameters List. I'm not sure they persist, to be honest. What strange is: I'm getting GPS, compass and barometer data from FC/Teensy, but completely lack battery information on the left side of the screen. Has anyone seen similar issue? Maybe my lua script needs changes? 


              • Found a place under Optional Setup -> Battery Monitor, where one supposed to add battery capacity. What if I fly different capacity batteries? 4000, 3300 etc - am I supposed to change it in MP every time I change the battery? I entered 4000 there for now.

                After I changed Voltage under Enter Measured Value to 12.6 the left side of display started to show voltage, but it's rather strange - it jumps from 9.0 to 16.6 V.

                Under Advanced section of Battery Monitor three is Calibration section. Where can I find instruction how to do this properly?

  • @Garry Szakacs


    i noticed my faulty code in teensy2 and pro mini folder. correct code is:

          case 0:        // Sends the ap_longitude value, setting bit 31 high
            if(ap_fixtype==3) {
              if(ap_longitude < 0){
                ap_longitude = ap_longitude * -1;
                latlong=(ap_longitude/100)*6  | 0xC0000000;
                latlong=(ap_longitude/100)*6  | 0x80000000;
          case 1:        // Sends the ap_latitude value, setting bit 31 low  
            if(ap_fixtype==3) {
              if(ap_latitude < 0 ){
                ap_latitude = ap_latitude * -1;
                latlong=(ap_latitude/100)*6 | 0x40000000;

    sorry, this was my fault. this happens because i am in germany and we have positive coordinates here. removing abs() do the job in this case. that's why i do not noticed this fault.

    fixed in commit

    and commit



    • I tried that also :

      ap_latitude = ap_latitude * -1;

      But for some reason while the latitude was showing the correct numerical value , it was constantly cycling from  negative to positive on the Taranis display.

  • I just wanted to say.

    THANK YOU!!!

    • Hi,

      thanks for this great explanation. I will try to dig into this in the next days and will post my results here.

      Happy flying


  • Dear all,

    i am trying to set up the scripts of Luis Vale on my Taranis. Everything worked in principal and i got some infos to the screen but not all. Especially i do not get the flight modes from my APM ("FlightMode mismatch). I read  many of the posts here and searched on github for other versions but without  real success. Unfortunately i am also not an experienced programmer so i was not able to understand the complete logic of the libraries and the lua scripts so that i would be able to help myself.

    My question is: Is there a version around that works with this configuration: APM 2.6 with 3.1 Firmware, Teensy 3.1 and a Taranis with openTX 2.0.12 or higher? Or is there some good explanation how things work together? Especially how i can i grap specific values from the telemetry stream and use them in the lua scripts?

    Thanks for your help! Thomas

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