Apm2 xquad glitches/flickering Thottle - DEFAULT PIDS


Im having micro (in duration) glitches/ flickering (micro accelerations) when fliying my new apm2 X quad, in order to identify if they are radio problems (they are not!!) , motors, vibration, PID adjustements , or the apm2 itself, I want to ask :

is there any relevant info in the logs that i can analize? how? i ve changed 2.4 receiver and placed gaui  board, and still the same random glitches. thanks for any clue.


i can generate logs (after solve problem not inserted memory) if needed


*My HK frame has integrated PCB http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=24173

* XQUAD - 8045 props and 2212-15 930kv motors HELP ME PIDS Are defaults!

* Futaba 7cap 6 modes-

* ADC 2.7.1

UPDATE: it is not radio problem , I ve just replaced APM2 with GAUI330X electronics and works 100% free of any glitch. Frame is also ok (a little heavy but ok). Something in APM2 is causing those microglitches HELP!!



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  • I just tried my Tri-Hex APM 2.5 880motors and after flying steady for about 10 seconds, it just flipped over on its back, broke 5 props. I have been having intermittent glitches ever since 2.73 and the APM 2.5.....What is going on.....
  • I am experiencing the same problem after an update to 2.7.1 which was not present in 2.7.0. I hope this gets cleared soon. Thanks to all.

  • are your ESC bullet connectors soldered?

  • not 100% ok.... seems we need noise sensors filter in the code... does 2.7.1 include it? chris anderson can you confirm us if still filtering has to be integrated? i replaced 4 motors and props and tried some foam isolators but not perfect yet..sad
  • It is seem that the APM2 is muuuuuuuuch more sensitive to vibrations than any other fly electronics that i have tested, so i tried to minimize and insulate the vibrations everyehre i could. just that. rest seems to go fine, loiter is great. goog luck

  •  solved! *- custom antivib*-

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