Im having micro (in duration) glitches/ flickering (micro accelerations) when fliying my new apm2 X quad, in order to identify if they are radio problems (they are not!!) , motors, vibration, PID adjustements , or the apm2 itself, I want to ask :
is there any relevant info in the logs that i can analize? how? i ve changed 2.4 receiver and placed gaui board, and still the same random glitches. thanks for any clue.
i can generate logs (after solve problem not inserted memory) if needed
*My HK frame has integrated PCB http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=24173
* XQUAD - 8045 props and 2212-15 930kv motors HELP ME PIDS Are defaults!
* Futaba 7cap 6 modes-
* ADC 2.7.1
UPDATE: it is not radio problem , I ve just replaced APM2 with GAUI330X electronics and works 100% free of any glitch. Frame is also ok (a little heavy but ok). Something in APM2 is causing those microglitches HELP!!
I am experiencing the same problem after an update to 2.7.1 which was not present in 2.7.0. I hope this gets cleared soon. Thanks to all.
are your ESC bullet connectors soldered?
It is seem that the APM2 is muuuuuuuuch more sensitive to vibrations than any other fly electronics that i have tested, so i tried to minimize and insulate the vibrations everyehre i could. just that. rest seems to go fine, loiter is great. goog luck
solved! *- custom antivib*-