APM 2.5 + 3DR Telemetry + MinimOSD

APM 2.5 plus the 3DR radio telemetry works great, now I want to add my MinimOSD board.

The MinimOSD board reads MAVLink messages from its RX pin and request rates from APM on the ArduPilot "telem" port. (Port 0 implied). The APM2.5 board 3DR radio connector (UART0/2) pin out from the board edge counting inward is: Gnd, (blank) RX, TX, +5V.

The MinimOSD Introduction has a diagram which states APM telemetry port (pins sequence from bottom) (shows bottom of block diagram of Port) This presumes that it is also board edge of back of APM2.5  and shows (APM pins) counting inward as:  Gnd, (space) +5v, out, in.  (out to rx of OSD, in to TX on OSD). The silk screen on the APM2.5 is clear, and I believe +5v is the most inside (away from edge) pin of Port 0. Should I just wire my OSD up based on what the APM says about Port 0 pins?

Is the diagram in MinimOSD introduction wrong on its cabling to APM telem port?

I am eager to add my MinimOSD to my build, but do not want to fry or brick my OSD.

Hope this helps someone in clearing this up somehow.

It would have been handy to have had another connector like 3DR for the feed to the MinimOSD.

In the meantime I guess I just hack into my 3DR cable or solder to tiny pins on back of APM2.5.

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  • Could the firmware in the MinimOSD be updated with an option to always pass through the telem data, even if no ground link is detected?
  • After making the connections one thing that boggled me for a few hours was I received all zero's except for the flight mode I would set.  Turned out you need to have the receiver side of the Telemetry module plugged in for the OSD to pickup the info otherwise you would need to plug into the TX wire.

  • Logically, Minim OSD and 3D Radio will connect in parallel. 


    All you need to do is to ensure that you do not connect the Tx wire from Minim OSD to anything.


    Minim Rx  to 3DR Rx

    Minim +ve to 3DR +ve

    Minim -ve to 3DR -ve

    Minim Tx - NOT CONNECTED.

  • Cut myself off there.  So I'm using GRN as ground for some reason (I rewired it and screwed it up is the reason) but it seems to be working.  I will wire it up differently and give an update later on.

  • I just connected my 3DR and MinimOSD to my APM 2.5 a couple days ago and have it working.  I am finding it hard to follow what your describing but I will try and help.  

    I have my 3DR soldered into the UART0 pins.  I then have my MinimOSD soldered onto the underside of my 3DR radio without the OSD's TX connected.  Both boards of mine are labeled clearly what is G, +, TX, and RX I just soldered to the matching location on each board as described above.  on the MinimOSD i used the.

    If you want some pictures I can get them later tonight.

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