Camera gimbal Roll

I've just updated to 2.7,

since the update i have a small problem with the camera mount.

Before i could use the CAM_R_TRIM to level the mount, this time it has no affect :-( I tried to set 1700>Wright Params then read and it's accepted the changes but the cam mount has not moved, tried the same with 1300 still nothing.

but it's moving when i roll the quad it stays level and pitch is OK as well.

Any ideas guys?



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  • Hi Guys.

    I've also got the same issue still with 2.9 release and have adjusted the center roll position the way Brian has mentioned.

    If anyone knows if there is a real fix for this yet can you let us know. 


  • The camera/mount stab is new now. I don't think trim is used. At least it wasn't when I wrote it for planes. It has just been put into copter and there was another unrelated version for roll & pitch. That's all changed to the new full 3d way. There may be some problems. It was working in the plane version. I will look at it .

  • I found the same thing. Didn't matter where I set the TRIM value, nothing happened. I asked the same question in the main 2.7 release thread but didn't get an answer there.

    I've modified the servo MIN and MAX values to "pull" the midpoint level.

  • From looking at the 2,7 release thread, I think the gimbal parameters have changed to accommodate yaw stab - also there are new params w.r.t software limitation of servo travel. Maybe you should scan through that thread?

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