DIY Drones logo - inappropriate?

We need to fight hard to win the public over about civilian use of drones. Chris does a great job advocating this, and is widely quoted in the press with links back to this site.And what do people find when they get here? A Predator drone logo!We're giving people the impression that there's a community of 33,000 members all trying to build our own Predator drones ;)

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  • Ahem... John Githens.

    We were right months ago and roll out day will be *very* interesting.

    That folks is a teaser.


  • I am sorry but I disagree with you folks. I have been in the Model Airplane hobby for over 45 years now and have seen many changes.  The same with the America I once knew.  There is really nothing wrong with having a Predator Drone as the Logo for this website.  History has shown that every aircraft found some following by some group of Scale Modeler.  Same with the Predator Drone.  It is utterly ridiculous to keep changing the face of our "FREE" country to conform to the wills of a few who are blessed with fear hysteria.  Constantly bending to what is acceptable is what has put us where we are.  Sooner or later you have to take a stand and say...OK....This is stupid...enough is enough.   I don't know about the rest of you but I have paid taxes for 55 years now.  That contribution bought me a piece of America and protection for those freedoms I also hold dear.  One of those was to be able to have freedom of speech and the ability to have, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."  Anyone remember those words?  That includes being able to enjoy a hobby free of government control and oppression by a few who indulge in the fear hysteria as a way of life.   

    By the way...No matter what you call these flying won't matter to the hysteria mongers.  Looks like a duck, acts like a duck....sorry folks...It's a duck or in this case...A DRONE.  

    Most of the complaints are not from those who are law abiding citizens by the way and just because a Senator is involved with the regulation doesn't mean that it is supported by a large group.  Sometimes these things happen because some government agency sees the opportunity to make a couple more bucks on the unsuspecting populace.  Thus making any mans sport a rich man's hobby (excuse me ladies.  I am also including you here.)  Just look at how easily the hysterics reduced the amount of Nitro powered planes we use to see out there.  A few complained about the noise and now everything has gone electric.  Sorry for missed a great time of the sport.

    OK, I have stood on this soap box long enough but I encourage you all to stand up of DIY Drones and this Logo.  Don't let a few ruin the freedoms of your sport.  Stand up for your right to enjoy this country as much as the hysterics do and let's steer this country back into rational thought.

  • I think we should start a campaign to stop the military from misappropriating the word drone and using it for sinister purposes.

  • Moderator

    People, people, this logo/background has been discussed many, many times and changed several times because of straw poles.

    This is NOT a Predator silhouette; its the NASA Ikhana UAV.

  • Developer

    DIY Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,

    DIY Remote Controlled Aircrafts,

    DIY Flying vehicles,

    DIY Amazing Flying Machines,

    DIY Toys....

    Nhaaaa... I think we can all agree that DIY Drones has the best ring to it. And it kinda makes a stand against all the media silliness.

    But the predator should perhaps be retired, and replaced with some nice silhouettes from the supported platforms. Or perhaps a play on the open source hardware logo covering both sea, land and air.

  • Andrew, I agree with your statement here, and I also think we shouldn't use the term "drone".  But Chris has already spoken on this, and disagrees.  I don't think you're going to get any traction with this.

  • I would say, keep the name but lose the Predator. The combination of "DIY" and the Predator really gives a wrong impression to the new visitor, especially one with a lower educational standard and/or no interest to dig in and actual read.

    Call a competition for a new sublogo/background graphics and let the members vote what's the best.

  • Moderator

    Its a UAS recognition test. The bump underneath is the clue.

  • Well, I think the term 'drone' is here to stay, it's so prevalent in the media and in the public conscience that its unlikely to change. UAV and UAS doesn't exactly roll off the tongue ;)
  • I agree - maybe we should stop calling them "drones".  They are radio controlled multirotor model aircraft

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