HappyKillmore's Ground Control Station





Current Features:
Parsing for NMEA, SiRF, uBlox, MediaTek, ArduIMU Binary and AP ACSII
Record/Playback for raw datastream
Working avionics instruments
3D rendering of EasyStar, FunJet, Quad and a few other models
Google Earth and Google Maps real-time (non-KML) disply
Live video stream
Himan readable serial data stream (including binary)
Windows only

Still to come:
APM 2-way communication and configuration including in flight waypoint editing
Auto download of waypoint data for AP
Language translation file
X-Bee uploading of compiled source
Resizing and possibly drag and drop of components
Save video stream
KML file support

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  • Hello,


    I have succesfully used the GCS numerous times over the past few days, very impressed!

    Have there been any updates regarding enabling GPS lock, Satellites, and HDOP section of the GCS?

    I am using UBLOX and am somewhat familiar with changing the gps settings via Ucenter.



  • Hello,

    Thanks again Happy K for the GCS!

    Disregard if this already been discussed. However,

    If using HK GCS with battery monitoring, the last line in the APM defines h. battery portion, that defines what voltage triggers an alarm must be modified. (unless you are using a 14.8v lipo). The default is set to 11.4v, that is to high considering 11.7v  is the nominal voltage for a fully charged 3 cell lipo pack.

    The reason I mention this if you use the default 11.4v setting while using an 11.7v lipo, HK GCS  displays RTL independent of what mode is selected on the transmitter. I changed the trigger voltage to 9.0v and now get expected results.

    Hope this helps someone.



  • HK, Getting bad GPS longitude data today on 1.2.39, confirmed by going back to 1.2.38.

    should be -91 for me, but getting -337... and I dont have a boat... :)

  • Is it possible to extract the time each line of data was recorded with this GCS? In the ArduGCS the first field is time from the start of recording. Is there something similar in this data file?
  • Hi Happy,

    is there a way to have telemetry sent over video tx audio channel and recognized by the HKGCS (video over USB, or audio over audio in) ?

  • A couple questions regarding the GCS, First how do you change the dispalyed model type?  The latest release has an Easystar and I noticed this example is using a Fun Jet.  Second question, where do I find info on Live View and what is required to make work?



  • doe this GCS have a function to have the UAV return to land?
  • Happy, could I just ask what data is used for the heading display ? the one were the compass rotates around a fixed arrow.
  • Happy,

    I just tried to load a waypoint file into the latest version and got this error:


    3692154861?profile=originalI got the same error with v 1.2.10.

    I can email you the whole error message if you need it.


    The GCS just gets better and better!

  • I've got this program working with my Ardupilot with the exception of the battery voltage. It reads over 100,000 volts. Voltage reads fine with the original Ardupilot GCS. Is this a setup/configuration problem?





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