
I am looking for a customized solar powered drone with camouflages on in the sky and also it should be able to fly away 100s of miles on solar power and at 50 miles/hour+ speed and it should also be able to follow GPS path on auto pilot mode and return on the same path and it should also be fall safe and accident proof. The drone may be controlled remotely over any network like(either GPS,wify,4g or 3g networks, telecom towers by a mobile phone etc). Anyone can make such a drone be it parrot drone 2.0 or anything else?

Send me a PMB if you can.

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  • We can do this, but it will require this post to first become TOP CONTENT. 

  • Moderator

    I can build it, and for another 99 cents I'll throw in a flux capacitor so you can travel back in time.

  • I'm sorry guys I've made such fuzz for nothing obviously (?)..

    for those interested in the real thing, look for Solara 50 and Titan Aerospace sold to Google for 60M USD few months ago.. Guess what was their initial seed funding to build a prototype with 32kg payload.. I bet they had no idea Google will buy their whole company one day.. You would be surprised what is the cost of material and R&D these days to build such drone..

    Beg my pardon but for those amateurs who keep laughing I say keep laughing and mind your business instead.. I know you might think that something like this is impossible, but it actually is, you just have to go for it.. Titan folks have made it, Ascent folks made it, anyone with relevant knowledge, courage and funding can do it.. I have such team right now, the budget is almost done, I just need to find VC to make it happen.. I'm not going to talk about any details of the project, it's my business not yours anyway.. but please show some respect next time when you talk to somebody you don't know really..

    Oh and my mistake that this pointless discussion is here but I just wanted to reply to the original post by somebody who might actually be a customer one day.. It's a shame that that private messages are not allowed here without prior handshake..


    • I have full confidence your team will build something like Sonay asked for. To take on such challenges as fall safe and accident proof you have to build in tons of redundancies in order to achieve such goals. The fact that you double up periods at the end of each sentence, means you are the perfect man for the job!!

  • Moderator
    With plenty of room for the family!

    Gotta look pretty!
  • I can do it.  My cost is one BEEEEllion dollars!

    Call within the next 46 minutes, and I'll throw in for free, fricken laser beams on it's head!  Come on folks, I can't do this all day...

  • Thank you for the morning laugh.

  • What is your budget?

    • Probably the price of a parrot drone or something ...

This reply was deleted.


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