Motor and prop choice

So looks like I'll be starting my Quadcopter project earlier than I expected :) YAY

I'm planning on getting the new APM2 board and possibly this frame (With looks like that how could you turn it down???)


How can I work out what size/type motor and prop I'll need for it?
Would work?  What's the difference between that and the 3x more expensive ?  Both seem to have similar thrust so what benefit would the pricier one give?

Also what's the benefit of going for a 'slimline' as above Vs something like ?


Sorry if they're basic questions, I just don't want to waste time/money buying the wrong stuff!

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  • Good question. This is often the subject of much debate and speculation without much data to back up the decisions. If you want to take a more data based approach that can get you exactly the results you desire.

    First you should decide whether you want to do sport flying or FPV/AP. For sport flying you want agility and  8-10 minutes of flying time is often the target. For FPV/AP you want stability, long flight times, and higher payload carrying ability.

    Using this great tool: you can plug in all the characteristics of your aircraft and com pare different combinations of props, motors, ESC, and batteries and find the combination that gives you what you want.

    YMMV but I typically take this approach:

    Agility: Light weight, 8-10" props, 900 - 1200 KV motors, 2200mah-3000mah 3s/4s battery. Then you play with motor wattage to get the power headroom you want.

    Stability: 10-12" props, 600-900kv motors, 3000-5000mah 3s/4s batteries. Then you play with motor wattage to get the payload capacity and flight endurance you want.

    It's rather eyeopening when you plug in some of the combinations some people suggest and find how good or bad they are!

    Hope this helps.

  • Motor/prop combo is one of the big questions for multicopters with many right answers.

    I used the Hextronik DT750 with 11x4.7 props on a Tricopter and they work very well - quiet, hovers at 50% throttle and plenty of power for carrying loads.

    Good price, but the leads aren't secured so you need to add a dab of epoxy otherwise they may fracture over time.  Also, the grub screws on the mounting need Loctite.

  • This is a similar question I've had myself as I'm also just starting out. However, I received no answer here. There is a lot of info and documentation on the electronics, but little to none on which motors and rotors to use. Soooo, I just ordered some parts and will see how it goes.

    Here is what I ordered:



    I'm not sure if these are correct, but the motor reviews show that a couple people successfully used them with quadcopters, even with camera mounted.

    BTW, this community does not seem that welcoming to beginners. Just my 2 cents. Maybe I'm just spoiled after being in the very welcoming RepRap community.

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