
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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          • Hi Scott,

            Can you please give your pin connections for satellite?

            I have:

            VDD_3V_SPEKTRUM - sat. orange

            RC_INPUT - sat. gray

            GND - sat black

            Satellite is bound, using AR6200, lights up when tx is turned on.

            But on the gray data line, I only see this: 3702862734?profile=original

            This pattern comes from the Pixracer, probably a handshake..

            Once, i don't know how, i saw some serial communication, but couldn't connect over usb. Since then i cant reproduce that state.

            Am i missing something?

            // recap: RC_INPUT is 5v tolerant, as mentioned. i haven't fry the pin, just messed up the clock speed on the ppm sum converter arduino fw. the final goal is to use satellite, because it fits well in the 250's frame.

        • If anyone ever tries this, please note: only pro mini 3v3 is compatible, mostly because the rc-in is not 5v tolerant. ;)

    • Read back the history on this forum, found it may work with 3.4. Testing now. sorry for duplicating content.

  • My Futaba R6203SB receiver doesn't work with Pixracer, but Futaba R6208SB work fine.
    Both receivers R6208SB and R6203SB work fine with Pixhawk.
    Anyone using Pixracer with Futaba R6203SB?




    • On R6203SB it's difficult to see, where you connected the cable at the Receiver.

      Is this the SBUS Port?

      • Yes, it's SBUS Port


        • Corrrect Port. My R6303SB works properly.

          But my Futaba Equipment is stored in the shelf since I have Taranis.

  • I see what is going on now - evidently copter picks these up from the telemetry modem as it is plugged in.  I had been moving between Telem1 and Telem2 trying to determine why Telem1 was reliable and Telem2 was not.  FYI - these modems work perfectly on my PixFalcon - no problems there.

    • My OSD on telem2 recently stopped working... 
      It worked a few months ago.. Then after a few months of testing APM and not really flying FPV, I tried it again for the first time in months, w/ no changes to the copter other than code...
      And I cannot get telem2 to work!  I moved my OSD to telem1, and it's ok there. 

      I don't know if it's a bug, or something physical broke on my pixracer...  As I said, I got it working for me on telem1, but if others are having trouble w/ telem2 and OSD's please post.

      I did check the port on a scope, and it is always 3.3v flat line.. No signal present, regardless of the sr2 settings and baud settings, etc in the code.

      • for some reason telem2 on all pixhawks doesn't work reliably with minimOSD I hope someone will find the reason eventually. telem2 works fine with telemetry radios and frsky telemetry though. I think it is because minimOSD can take a whooping 500mah if powered by 5v. 

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