

I planned a simple grid with a few waypoints, all points at 80mt and last (#15) at 15mt, like this:




I have apm2.5 xquad , AC 2.8.1, motors 4006 530kv, 12*45, 4in1 esc, turnigy talon and 3x4sx4000, 35min capable hover flight time, so that 3,23 kms grid should be nothing... the wind was a bit strong by the way... the quad did a loiter someway ok, and i  started AUTO mode,,, the next 4 waypoints where mm ok, but since there, it started to climb (cand send log) it reached 450mts !!!! when I finally decided to rtl, I did the best to bring back in one piece...  please tell me why a planned altitude of 80 reached 450mts!!!!!


Notes: sats were 9 or more, 3d fix, I guess because i waited 3 mins before takeoff, and was not using laptop nor telemetry, tried loiter first and did ok,

was wind part of the problem??, but anyway cannot understand the climb!!



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