Small UAV with Near InfraRed Camera and GPS (Autopilot)

Hi everyone

I am new to this site but better late than never:)

I like to use a small uav that is equipped with a near infrared camera to take images of various crops showing stressed vs non stressed vegetation (Infrared is good for this purpose). The camera I found is only 7 onces (about 200 g) and it calls for GPS intput to be a true +/-RS232. Additionally, I would like my UAV to be independent in term of missions so that a minimum work is required in the field...Ideally, I would like it to fly itself; so that I can make a file (GPX or shapefile) that shows the exact location of the field/ground where the picture will need to be taken. My last concern is about the stability of the drone/uav and whether images taken with this uav would be clear enough to distinguish between stressed and non stressed crops. Field size I am looking to use it for is 100 acres. By writing my thoughts here, I am hoping that someone in this forum has done something similar and I would very much appreciate the advise...Otherwise, do you guys think I can custom make such a UAV... or does it require advanced skills...

Thanks and Happy New Year


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  • Hi John,

    I intend to use RVJET for AG shooting. I have a Canon S100 and SX260s (RGB and NIR) - all with CHDK..

    How did you install the cameras in the RVJET looking downward , any link or photo, where is the CG ?

    Which SW are you using for Post-Processing ?

    Which Lipo's are you using, and how long enduarance in the air ?

    Do you fly a Grid pattern from the MPL ?


    Dave Behr


  • Are you attempting to do FAPAR imaging?  Just curious.

  • Hi Essam,

    3DR guys just suggested that using a modified 3D camera (due to it has two lens and one for RGB, another for NIR). Do you think that is possible? I am also stucked with the selection of suitable cameras...



  • For those owning a sx260, how fast can it shoot in continuous mode? I mean how long does it take from taking one picture to the next one?

    I have bougth a Canon Ixus 140 (16Mpx) and the speed between shoots is sooo slow (3secs)...


  • What's the best camera that people have found for this application?

  • no, a winged platform that flies way points and carries a near infrared camera is easy to build.  Build it out of foam so you can neatly tuck the cameras into the fuselage for protection.  Foam also eliminates a lot of motor vibration which is a big problem in hard shelled planes.  Even if you using 2 cameras it not that hard.  just make sure the cameras link up to take the picture at the same time and that you have a gps board to get the exact locations.  The landings and take offs are the hardest part and that's where the advanced skills come in.  use a bungee cord to get them up?

    For a hundred acres I would consider a hex rotor since they are easy to get up and easy to get down.  Fly to attitude take your picture.  land, move to the next spot do the same.  just make sure your doing the math right so you know it is overlapping.  what software are you using for you mosaic? 

  • Unfortunately that is the case for all of these modified point-and-shoot CMOS cameras. If you need single-camera calibrated multispectral imaging then you're going to need a true multispectral camera.

  • Please, visit

    The Event38 founder, Jeff Taylor, has complete solutions for your goals, fixed or rotative wings.

    Good luck!

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