This is where we discuss all things related to the 3DR Arducopter Y-6, from Tuning, to issues, to mods.
Does anyone still build these? What's the state of affiars for DIY and coaxial hexacopter builds?
I've been fascinated with Y6 designs for years and have been wanting to craft my own but never had the finances to do so. FInally came into some extra cashflow and want to put it towards a drone. I just became FAA certified and have been doing this commercially as a side hustle in tourism. I currenlty have experience with DJI products.The allure of creating my own has always stuck though, as a fun side project. I've seen Y6 builds that are big enough to carry a DSLR and that's the direction I…
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Well, finally got my Y6 all mounted up with Tarot Gimbal. This is the 2nd flight just messing around and getting the feel of the craft. Seems to work very well. When I get above the trees, you can see the wind. I ran right at 6 minutes and only used 2800 mah. This was surprizing to me.
@Wessie, thanks for the link. that's interesting. I'm actually dealing with compass issues right now. My compass almost seems like it's 45 degrees off.
A new development/something to watch for when you think about adding external LED's and a buzzer to your Y6/ Quad
Wessie: yes, I have a simple servo attached to the bottom with a loop hanging on it. When I flip a switch on the TX the servo rotates 60 degrees and drops the loop. It's simple, but it works... and it's fun to see a ball drop from 150 meters in a field (of course, I did a very low drop for the public exhibition)
Amos, that IS cool. Do you have a release mechanism for the ball?
Amos: Love it!
PS. the Nav Strips WILL have to be powered with a Transistor driver board, otherwise your APM will brownout because of excessive current draw on the pins.
I would not go more that the 2 led's native from the A-pins.
If you are interested I can make a drawing and post it, alternatively Jani (JDrones) makes a great led driver board that pretty much does the same thing and more.
No Logic Board, its already IN THE CODE. How cool.
Just follow the instructions in this great post by Scott.
you will need ;
1 x red led + 100 ohm resistor
1 x blue led + 150 ohm resistor
1 x 5V buzzer (NOT piezo element/speaker)
2 x servo tails.
thats it! A bit of solder, and no more guessing if you have GPS fix or not, or armed or not.
thats it