Anyone succeeded to install external LEDs on Pixhawk?
On APM we could configure the param Led_mode to a binary value representing which actions turn LEDs on A5 and A6.
Is there an equivalent feature on Pixhawk? Found nothing in the wiki about it.
Thx for any info,
hello everyone
ive being trying for qute a while now to emulate toshiba led with an arduino
initaly i had problems with the arduino protocol
i used this git repo :
Use Adafruit Neopixel LEDs as external indicator LEDs for Ardupilot - sgofferj/Ardupilot-Neopixel
this helped a lot to clear out
how the protocol was working , but the issue is that neo pixels are expensive .
so i went ahead to use ws2801`s the software is in a realy earlly stage , but works
tested on a pixhawk 1 with arducopter 3.6
this is an emulator of the toshiba led on the 3DR PixHawk flight controler family , creates a compatible signal for ws2801 leds [early beta stage] - finos2/PixHawk-i2c-to-Ws2801-bridge
this is the first vesrion of the workign code . feel free to test it and point any bugs
Thanks Nick! I think the 2 mavpixels idea (duh for me!) will make it work perfectly :)
Actually, I think I will use a 7bit ring alternative, which will be much simpler to wire.
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Sorry, Ivars for the very late reply. I totally missed this one.
So I just confirmed the firmware flasher feature (still) works for me.
During the flash procedure does the progress bar at the bottom of the flasher show any progress? There could be issues with MavpixelGUI's internet access. Check your firewalls, proxies and permissions.
Anyway, not a problem. Download Mavpixel21beta.hex from https://github.com/prickle/Mavpixel/releases and use the local file option in the flasher to get it on the board.
Good luck,
Ivars Borsteins said:
Hi André.
Thanks for your kind words.
There are no plans at the moment to support other boards. Mavpixel is a codewise clone of Cleanflight LED strip functionality with Mavlink control and has all the same features and limitations, notably 32 leds per Mavpixel board.
Note that I say "per board". There is no reason why not to have multiple Mavpixels. They could even share a single serial port.
The real issue is strips can be a maximum of eight pixels due to conflicting timing requirements. The 12 pixel ring you indicate would need (probably quite tricky) physical modification to work. I imagine it could be possible to cut the data track on the pcb between leds 8 and 9 and add a new data wire on to the data input leg of the 9th led.
This scheme would require two Mavpixels for four 12-rings and leave 4 extra places on each of the ring's outputs for some more leds.
André Zibaia da Conceição said:
Hi Nick!
Congrats on your work. I am building a quad and the Mavpixel-driven LEDs are a big part of it!
Do you plan to support any other boards that allow a greater number of LEDs? I would like to put some of these under each motor of my quad, and then some more, but just these have 12 LEDs each...
Do you have any ideas on how to get there?
Thanks again and congrats!
I have downloaded and installed MavpixelGUI v1.0.0.0 and after installing arduino 1.0.6 to fix a "cannot find libusb0.dll" error was able to initiate the firmware flashing procedure. Problem is, I only get to the downloading firmware stage and it seems to just hang up there. Is it possible to download just the hex file from somewhere and use it to manually flash the pro mini board?
Nick said:
Hi Hugues.
Not at the moment. I am currently constructing some documentation along those lines but the first draft isn't great.
I should have a decent wiring diagram prepared soon. Probably more than one in order to show optional extras more clearly and simply. Some photos of prepared hardware might also be nice perhaps.
I have some work to do and some recruiting to finalize before I am ready to make a demo video but it should also eventually arrive.
Hi Nick, thx for posting your GitHub code for driving LEDs. Do you have any pictures of an hardware setup to visualize the thing concretely?
Hi Chromic.
Great to hear it's working. I would love to see a photo of your setup.
Hi Nick,
you was right, there were some parameters left from ULRS. just i set it to 0 and it works .
Thank you very much, you developed option , i missed in APM