




About Me:

im 18 years old from greece

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

pixhawk 1 on

  1. Aphid x450 (DJI f450 clone)
  2. 3dr iris+
  3. DJI mavic pro 1


larisa ,greece

Activity Feed

Vaggelis updated their profile
Vaggelis updated their profile
Dec 25, 2023
Vaggelis replied to Hugues's discussion Pixhawk external LED? in ArduCopter User Group
"hello everyoneive being trying for qute a while now to emulate toshiba led with an arduinoinitaly i had problems with the arduino protocoli used this git repo :

Use Adafruit Neopixel LEDs as external indicator LEDs for…"
Aug 17, 2019
Vaggelis posted a discussion
hello everybodyi want to make a dual operator system as the inspire 2 . I have figuerd out how to do dual op on the storm 32 but i want to have dual cameras (one on the gimball and one on the front ) , i could have a video swich on-board  but it…
Apr 9, 2019
Vaggelis replied to Tony Kenward's discussion new APM flavor released: APM Mini Pro
"the shape of the fc its like the pixhawk !"
Feb 23, 2016
Vaggelis replied to elad orbach's discussion my diy ground control station
"i jast have a laptop with a av2usb cupture card"
Feb 20, 2016