Here is another demo: https://vimeo.com/82082914
The accuracy of the controlled position for the new servo is not discrete and depends only on the accuracy of mechanical parts. "
"Got another receiver, no more control freezings. V2.038 is installed. Same problem exist: In simple mode it it very dangerous to try to compensate wind by transmitter, you slowly must push stick more and more until limit is reached and model can not…"
"Very strange situation.
Today I got Turnigy TGY-9 2.4 GHz. Every thing is working, no freezings. Space betveen PPM pulses is 2...3 mkSec (0.000002). PPM sequence by channels is 1-3-2-4-5-6-7-8. I tryed to make usual sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 - still…"
Situation:V2.033 simple mode, small wind from left side. I'm holding stick a little bit left to compensate wind. but hexacopter again is slowly drifting right. after some time I'm pushing stick to left limit, but aircraft can't fly left. So I must…
g.rc_camera_pitch.set_pwm(APM_RC.InputCh(CH_6)); // I'm using CH 6 input here.// allow control mixing g.rc_camera_pitch.servo_out = g.rc_camera_pitch.control_mix(dcm.pitch_sensor);// dont allow control mixing…"