"Hey , can someone tell me what is ERR EKF_CHECK-0 and EKF_CKECK-2 ? I flyed today and on second flight quad shoots up and do flip and props go down to the ground and bam smashed the ground from 60m."
"I think u have to flash copter software if on APM is plane version or flash plane if u have copter on APM , that should erase eeprom to default values."
"Big offsets of compass is caused by residual magnetization of compass IC. I haved same problem with onboard pixhawk compass (high offsets values around 600-800). I rid of that by demagnetizing chip with modified AC 50Hz transformer, after that…"
"Hello all, i bought my pixhawk some time ago and done mandatory config and autotune. My frame is reptile 500 its a TBS Discovery clone i think. It fly well in stabilise , poshold work great but in althold its not maintainig alt. When i fly forward…"