"Very old thread I should have responded to once I found a fix. I simply switched from using MP to using APM and the initial configuration worked right away. I couldn't begin to tell you why MP didn't work after numerous times following the…"
"Still unable to find the THR_MAX setting in 3.3.1 with Hexacopter in X. Does anyone else see it? Is it a missing setting in this version? My copter won't take off."
"Bump, hoping someone sees this. 3dr says pixhawk is supported. Can I call them somewhere for help on this? All their links for support point here. Don't mean to bug yall, just wanna get this figured out, since everyone else seems to have a THR_MAX.…"
"Is there no THR_MAX parameter in 3.3.x? I have gone through the wizard for a Hexacopter in X, but my parameters do not include a THR_MAX and my copter will not take off (motors spin and almost take off, but do not).
I finished building my hexacopter and on my test flight it wouldn't take off. It was right at the cusp of flight, but wouldn't get completely off the ground. I've searched around the web and everyone mentions checking THR_MAX parameter in MP. So,…