Chris Anderson's Posts (2718)

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3D Robotics

After I added vectoring thrusters to the toy RC blimp, I realized that I needed a better test platform to find the best combination of motors, control loops and mechanical elements to give the blimp maximum control. I also realized that we hardly needed any of the toy blimp parts anymore. So I built a blimp controller/power platform from scratch, using the usual Lego pieces and thin plywood.

It has the same Lego gear and axle assembly as the previous vectoring thrusters, although I changed the gear ratio to 2:1. I used Lego rods at the motor mount beams, extending out 50% more than the toy blimp to get better turning leverage.

But the really cool thing is that I added RC control to the Blimpduino's autonomous control. That way I can fly the blimp manually to test different motor and vectoring strategies and otherwise understand the blimp's aerodynamics.

The way it works is that under RC control, I connect the RC receiver's channel 1 (steer right/left) to the ultrasonic sensor port, and the channel two (steer up/down) directly to the vectoring servo. I'm writing some Arduino code to read the channel 1 PWM on the ultrasonic port pin and convert that into signals to the Blimpduino's two motor driver chips. Basically that ultrasonic sensor port now has dual functions, depending on which program I'm running.

When I want to fly autonomously, I just take off the RC receiver and have Blimpduino control both the vectoring servo and the motors itself, connecting the ultrasonic sensor back to its regular port.

The Li-Po battery (the red thing underneath the receiver at the back of the board) powers Blimpduino and also the RC receiver, via the channel 1 port.

Other parts needed:

Here's a close up from the side:

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3D Robotics

ArduPilot: first board built

We've got the physical ArduPilot boards now, and the above is one with the components mounted. As you can see, it's pretty small! We've got channels 3 and 4 (throttle and rudder--that's the ESC and servo in the pic) from the RC receiver (at left) going through the autopilot. It can handle two more channels, but we're not using them right now. When the autopilot is in control, it will steer with the rudder and maintain altitude with the throttle. Elevator and ailerons are under the control of the FMA CoPilot for stabilization. Channel 5 is used to turn the autopilot on and off and goes into the on-board hardware multiplexer/failsafe that Jordi designed and we've incorporated into this board. Finally, that's the GPS (EM406) in the top left corner. This board is just for testing, and I can already see a few small tweaks to make in the next board (we'll switch to a different GPS connector, for instance). I'm still working on the code, meanwhile, but I can already tell you that it will be much simpler (and better) than the Basic Stamp code, thanks the superior hardware of the Arduino. Speaking of which, this project got a nice call-out from the official Arduino blog!
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3D Robotics

How to add vectoring thrusters to a blimp

As those who have been following along with our "minimum blimp" project to create the cheapest possible autonomous aerial robot (by adding an open source autopilot to a toy RC blimp), maintaining altitude in the face of air currents and temperature gradients has been a continuing challenge. The main problem with the toy RC blimps we start with is that they have a single tiny vertical motor and prop to control altitude, and unless you've trimmed the blimp exactly right and conditions don't change, that's not enough to reliably keep the blimp off the floor and away from the ceiling.

The best way to increase the vertical "authority" or control power is to get the two differential thrust props on each side to also do some vertical work, by tilting up or down along with their usual job of driving the blimp forward, back and right and left. Such tilting props are called "vectoring thrusters" and they're what the expensive blimps use. But on the cheap toy blimps that we start off with, the shaft that holds the two horizontal thrusters is glued and screwed into place.

No fear. Converting this shaft into one that can rotate is a simple matter of five pieces of Lego and a small RC servo. You can see it work in the video above, but here are some shots to show how to make it.

Before (typical toy blimp gondola, with RC equipment stripped out):

Parts needed (Lego Technic parts and one servo):

Cut the blimp motor shaft in half and insert the Lego rod, with the gear and two Lego beams on it. Cut out a bit more room in the gondola and glue the two beams in. The shaft can now rotate:

Now drill out the Lego gear to fit the servo shaft, screw it on, and then glue the servo on top of the Lego beams (depending on the size of your servo you might need a little plastic wedge to get the right spacing):

That's it! Needless to say in the autonomous version the onboard autopilot will drive that servo, not a RC transmitter. But you get the idea. If the two vectoring thruster do the trick of altitude hold, I may remove the vertical thuster entirely to save weight (and two I/O pins). If I need even more vertical control, I'll keep all three going.

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3D Robotics
Judging from this thread, Paparazzi is a complete nightmare to implement, despite the new availability of pre-built boards. The insistence that it has to run under Linux doesn't help. I have huge respect for the technical accomplishments of the Paparazzi team, but it sounds like some all-important hand-holding for regular folks has been lost along the way. [UPDATE: Speaking of Paparazzi, this Hong Kong company has fabbed thousands of Paparazzi PCBs (is the market for difficult-to-use open source autopilots really that big???) and has some very good deals on Tiny 2.11s ($185 for the kit including 4Hz GPS)]
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3D Robotics
Dave Perry from UNAV writes in with some news: "UNAV has been working with the US Commerce Dept. for the past six months to re-classify our PICOPILOT-RTL (Return To Launch) product. We claimed that since the -RTL could not be programmed with user waypoints, it should be classified separately. Friday, we finally received the classification; 7A994. This classification requires the -RTL to have an export license only for AT ( terrorism sponsoring ) countries. This ruling is significant because it means the US government recognizes the difference between "programmable" and "return to launch" autopilots.Now we can export the PICOPILOT-RTL to almost any country without an export license. Of course, any autopilot that can be programmed with user waypoints remains classified as 9A012, requiring an export license to all countries except CANADA. I might point out that the regulations make no distinction between hobby and commercial autopilots, so the export of amateur (DIY) autopilots must comply with the US export regulations and have an export license. " [Chris here: I think it's going to be interesting to see how the regulators consider open source hardware, autopilot kits and autopilot components. I note that the Autopilot/IMU "development board" that SparkFun sells, which is fully programmable and much more capable than the RTL, is not export controlled. Neither is the impressive pre-made Paparazzi autopilot. An oversight? Or are such "development boards" not considered autopilots? And since each of these are just the combination of an IMU, a embedded processor and GPS, all of which aren't export controlled, what if you just buy the three bits and put them together yourself, downloading open source code from a site like ours to make it all work together? Obviously there's little the regulators can do about that, and the point of sites like DIY Drones is to make that very process of doing-it-yourself as simple as possible. In a world where many of the components of an autopilot, from accelerometers to GPS, can be found in any cell phone, is it really possible to regulate the sale of autopilots like weapons anymore? No one's come after us for selling an autopilot PCB (nor should they). When we sell it with the components pre-soldered, like the SparkFun or Paparazzi boards, can we just call it a "development board" and similarly escape regulation? Does it matter if the software is pre-loaded or not? Does the fact that none of us--the creators of the Sparkfun, Paparazzi or ArduPilot autopilots--are companies (we're just amateurs, mostly working in the open source realm) make a difference? Even if it did, what about the companies that are actually making and selling the boards for us, such as SparkFun or BatchPCB? Are they responsible for knowing what these boards do and all the regulations concerned? Lots of question....]
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3D Robotics
The AUVSI organizers have offered to get us a flying field in San Diego for an amateur UAV fly-in on Sunday, June 8th, the day before their big annual UAV conference and expo starts. Before I take them up on this, I want to gauge interest: are you in the San Diego area or going there for AUVSI and might want to fly on that Sunday? (BTW, I'm giving a keynote at AUVSI, talking about the rise of open source and amatuer UAV development)
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3D Robotics

A DIY Drones Milestone: 1,000 members!

Today we hit another nice milestone in the growth of DIY Drones: 1,000 people have signed up to participate. In the ten months this site has been running, it has grown to an average of 1,000 unique visitors and 5,000 page views a day. Over that period, we've had a total of about 200,000 unique visitors and nearly three quarters of million page views. We add new members at a rate of about 50 a week (after we clear out the occasional russian mail-order-brides!). All told, I believe we are now the largest amateur UAV community on the web, which is not bad for less than a year! Going forward, I'd like to bring in more of you to help steer this site and expand it. If you'd like to be a co-moderator here, which is to say have administrator privileges, just PM me (little envelope icon) and we can talk about what that entails. If I can get one or two solid contributors to manage this site with me (we all have day jobs, of course, so this is just to keep the volume up while any one of us is swamped with other things), I think we'll be able to grow it even faster yet. I'm happy to share the Google AdSense revenues with my co-editors--it won't make you rich, but it's a nice little payback for what is otherwise an all-too-expensive hobby ;-)
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3D Robotics
After our presentations last week at Where 2.0, our Pict'Earth friends stuck around for the weekend to do another mapping mission over the Googleplex (this now seems to be a rite of passage in our community--my original mission is here). As usual, they used an EasyStar and a Nokia N95 cameraphone, and their own proprietary image stitching software. The results are excellent, and you can see a medium-res version of the whole campus superimposed on the satellite imagery in OpenAerialMap here. Screenshot (click to enlarge):

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3D Robotics
The Government Accounting Office has released a new report on the issue of introducing UAVs into the national airspace for routine operations. Nothing very new or illuminating, but I'm glad that they noted that the lack of a clear regulatory path is hindering commercial development. Words that do not appear anywhere in the report: "amateur", "non-commercial", "recreational" and "open source". Although the report makes many good points, it also gets a bit silly at times, such as noting that although airlines have locked security doors protecting the cockpit, there are no such standard security measure protecting the doors to the trailers of UAV ground station. Although that may be true, most of the big UAVs are operated from inside secure facilities, and the ones that aren't tend to be pretty small. Certainly nothing like a jet full of fuel. News coverage here.
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3D Robotics

HOW-TO: Make your own PCB

Confused by all this talk about Eagle PCB files, schematics, "fabs" and all that? Until about three months ago, so was I. But with a lot of late nights and hand-holding from Jordi, I finally figured it out and now find the fast-growing DIY hardware world mind-blowingly cool. Now you can zip up the learning curve a lot faster than I did by checking out this excellent new PCB fabbing tutorial by SparkFun.
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3D Robotics
From our friends at Pict'Earth, a neat hack to keep your directional antenna pointed the right way and monitor your wireless video while your plane is in the air. I was going to say it was "cool" but I realized that my wife would probably disagree (indeed, she'd have serious doubts about her life's choices if she ever caught me wearing it!) But it certainly does seem useful, especially for those secluded flying places away from the public eye ;-)
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3D Robotics

Dave from UNAV sent over the above GPS simulation results from a search and rescue pattern test for the upcoming Australian Outback Challenge contest. The course is 5x2 miles and Dave used the new PicoPilot groundstation software to plot the waypoints and monitor the simulation results.

It looks like there may be as many as 10 teams using PicoPilots in the Outback Challenge this year. Plus many using other commercial and DIY autopilots, no doubt. This year, the contest's second, promises to be far more competitive than last year. Anybody going who wants to file a report for DIYDrones?

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3D Robotics

The decision to port the Basic Stamp autopilot to Arduino turned out to be an unexpected opportunity to make something really cool. I've taken Jordi's open source RC multiplexer/failsafe board, and mashed it up with an Arduino clone to create "ArduPilot", perhaps the cheapest autopilot in the world. ($110! That's one-third the price of Paparazzi)

Here's what it is:

A custom PCB with an embedded processor (ATMega168) combined with circuitry to switch between RC control and autopilot control (that's the multiplexer/failsafe, otherwise known as a "MUX"). This controls navigation (following GPS waypoints) and altitude by controlling the rudder and throttle. These components are all open source. This autopilot is fully programmable and can have any number of GPS waypoints (including altitude) and trigger camera or other sensors

As with the Basic Stamp autopilot, to make a fully autonomous aircraft you need to combine this navigation autopillot with a stabilization system, for which we turn to our old friend, the FMA Co-Pilot (off-the-shelf infrared sensors and control board to keep the plane flying level), which controls the ailerons and elevator.

By using Jordi's MUX, which allows us to switch from autopilot to manual RC control in hardware, we gain several advantages over the Basic Stamp:

1) Because the switching isn't handled by the processors, we don’t need to drive servos in real time, which means we don't need stand-alone servo driver chips (thus a simpler board)

2) We also don't need “mirroring” subroutines to pass through servo commands in RC mode (simpler code)

3) Don’t need power regulator, since we’re using regulated output from the RC receiver (simpler board)

4) The built-in MUX failsafe is cheaper and simpler than using a stand-alone one.

I've taken a quick pass at the schematic and PCB (Eagle 5.0 format) for ArduPilot, although this will evolve as we go through the hardware testing cycle: Schematic, PCB board. You can buy the board here. Arduino code coming soon in alpha now.

All together, this can be the basis of a sub-$500 UAV:


--ArduPilot PCB: $10

--Boarduino kit + FTDI cable: $35 (subtract $17.50 if you already have a FTDI cable)

--PicoSwitch: $20 (we'll probably build this in the board in the next rev)[UPDATE: Jordi's now incorporated that into the board above. It's a TinyAVR chip ("IC3", $2.75) and its associated programming interface jumpers ("ISP")]

--EM-406 GPS module: $60

--Multiplexer chip : $1

--8 Samtec TSW-108-25-G-T-RA right angle servo connectors (available as a free sample): $0

(That's a $110 autopilot, thanks to the open source hardware. By comparison, the Basic Stamp version of this, with processor, development board and failsafe board, would run you $300, and it's not as powerful)


--FMA Co-Pilot: $70

Plane and RC equipment:

--Hobbico SuperStar (includes motor, battery and ESC): $109

--6-Channel radio system (with proportional control for channel 6, to calibrate FMA system): $109

--Three servos: $45

TOTAL: $440
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3D Robotics

For very small UAVs, especially those used indoors, an interesting way to navigate is using a technique called "optical flow". Basically, it's the way flies see: they detect motion rather than resolve images. As you move, the objects closest to you appear to move the fastest, which for a camera chip means pixels shifting position faster.

The video above is from a Swiss team that have used optical flow to steer indoor blimps and microlight aircraft (video here). They've got pretty fancy equipment and lots of money--but is there a way to do the same on the cheap? Yes. It turns out that the sensor on an optical mouse (you probably have a few laying around) can do the job. Here are instructions on how to take the chip from an old mouse and connect it to a Basic Stamp (an Arduino would work even better) and create a low-budget optical flow sensor. Taking the dx, dy information from that and using it to drive the airplane's servos or actuators to move in the opposite direction from the highest optical flow should be a pretty easy matter. The only tricky thing is integrating the mouse chip and processor into a package no larger and heavier than the RC receiver that this optical autopilot replaces. The schematic on the mouse chip to Basic Stamp circuit is below:

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3D Robotics

This isn't exactly a UAV product, but Jay Graves, who runs Hobby Lobby, emailed to say that they've just released a First Person View (FPV) kit, which looks very nice. FPV is a combo of a videocamera in the plane, an onboard wireless video transmitter, a ground receiver and video goggles. The point: you put on the goggles and you can see the perspective from the plane itself, which is the closest thing most of us will get to actually flying a real plane.

Along with sharing some imaging technology with our UAVs, FPVs often use autopilots because they can fly further away than you can see from the ground. When pilots get lost or lose the wireless connection (and thus their view), the autopilots can bring the planes back into range.

The initial kit, which costs $549, has the basics and looks like quite a good deal (Hobby Lobby has a great reputation, and the company that makes the equipment, Intelligent Flight, is one of the best in the business). But if you happen to be independently wealthy, you might want to wait for some forthcoming accessories that will complete the full FPV experience: a pan-tilt camera mount, which can be connected to a gyro in your video goggles so the camera will turn where you're looking; an On Screen Display that integrates telemetry data into the video stream (and has a basic "return home" GPS-only autopilot for very stable aircraft), and a directional antenna that can greatly increase the range.

I wouldn't be surprised if all that together runs over $1,000, so it's a bit out of our range. But if you can afford it, this is the ultimate RC experience.

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3D Robotics

New PicoPilot groundstation software

UNAV's Dave Perry emailed me with the news that they've just released a new groundstation program for their low-cost PicoPilot line of autopilots.

From the description: "The PICO-GS program performs four basic functions: 1. Provides a graphical view of your waypoints on the map image. 2. Permits "point-n'click" waypoint programming on the map image. 3. Provides realtime GPS tracking and flight data on the map image ( requires a radio modem ) 4. Includes the standard PICOPILOT line item editor." It costs $100 for a CD and a license key for a single installation. They're sending me a review copy, so I'll give you a hands-on report as soon as I get it.

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3D Robotics


I thought I'd checked everything for our proposed fly-in this coming weekend: airfield availability, weather, technology ready to fly. But I missed the most obvious conflict: it's MOTHER'S DAY! Given that I've been traveling for past week and we have five little kids, you can imagine that it would earn me no points at home to leave my wife with the children again while I go flying with the boys. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone this. I know that some of you are going to be coming up for the Where 2.0 conference (which I'll be speaking at), so if you've still got you heart set on flying I can probably recommend some places to do it. But I won't be able to join you. Huge apologies for being an idiot and catching it so late. We'll reschedule for June or July. Best, Chris
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3D Robotics

Here's our latest, greatest BlimpDuino (Arduino-clone autonomous blimp controller) board: double-sided, silkscreened neatly laid out and otherwise in much better shape. Shown above is the top side (inside the gondola) of the new board (right) compared to the old one (left).

I'll be showing this at Maker Faire tomorrow and Sunday. Below is the bottom side of the old (left) and new (right) boards. Differences include putting all the chips inside the gondola ("top") and just the IR sensors, the on/off and reset switches and the FTDI programming port on the outside ("bottom")

You can buy these boards for $12.50 each here. You'll also need to buy a Boarduino kit ($17.50) for the Ardunino components. Other parts required: --On/off switch --One of these capacitors --And one of these capacitors --4 IR receivers --2 motor driver chips If you want to fab the PCB boards yourself, here are the Eagle files: Schematic and PCB layout. These are probably the last through-hole board design we'll make, since we've pretty much got this board where we want it. After this, we'll be moving to a much smaller surface-mount design using a whole new design with more sensors, LEDs for directional feedback and a more powerful processor. But that will take a while and in the meantime, the current BlimpDuino board is a great starter platform for blimp robotics. The Arduino code to run it is here.
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3D Robotics

After my impetuous outburst about the limitations of the Parallax Basic Stamp platform, Parallax co-founder Ken Gracey was kind enough to respond directly in the comments. Excerpt:

The BASIC Stamp product line will continue to be developed by Parallax. But most of the improvements we make to the product line pertain to documentation, operating speed and memory, and the addition of commands. You won't be seeing a floating point library built into the BASIC Stamp.

If you want to have true simultaneous processing with another high-level language, my suggestion is to use the Propeller. You seem to already know that processor so I'll skip listing the specifications. We aim to make the Prop very easy to use by publishing our educational tutorials (see Propeller Education on this page). The forums supporting the Propeller are very active. Supporting the growth of the Propeller is a big priority for Parallax and we back our position by responding to customer requests. In this case, you've got a complete floating point library to use. There's also a BS2 library for the Propeller in case the user wants to continue using something they've already learned.

He and I also had a good phone chat where we talked more about the options. Here's my bullet-point report from that, and summarizing the comments above:

  • The Basic Stamp platform continues to be staple of electronic education in schools and will be for years to come. It's still growing in terms of its usage base.
  • That said, the technology is not going to evolve much more. The things we want, such as floating point, C-like variable handling and significant increases in memory, are not planned for the Basic Stamp architecture.
  • Instead, Parallax recommends that we shift to the Propeller chip, which has both everything we need and reflects the direction that Parallax as a company is going.
  • Although Propeller is not currently as easy to learn as the Basic Stamp, Parallax is working hard to improve that. One thing in particular that will help a lot is a forthcoming serial debug window facility like that of the Basic Stamp. This will let you use the PC as a display screen for the chip's output and otherwise get real-time data on variables and program operation. Finally, it will be possible to write a simple "hello world" program for the Propeller and see "hello world" on your screen, rather than just a blinking LED.

As a result, this is what I propose for DIYDrones:

  1. We complete the Basic Stamp autopilot so that it works perfectly as it is, both as a teaching tool and for those who currently have the Basic Stamp hardware and want to keep it.
  2. After that is done, however, we will not develop it further.
  3. We will instead port the Basic Stamp autopilot code to the open source Arduino platform. All future development of our "entry-level DIY autopilot" will be on that platform
  4. After that, we will port the code to the Propeller platform and then encourage better programmers than me to help collectively build an open source "pro-grade" autopilot project on it. This is a big job (just ask Dean Goedde, who used the Propeller for his awesome AttoPilot commerical autopilot), so I'm looking for volunteers to help take it on. Anybody out there want to try their hand at the future of embedded computing (8-core, 32-bit, object-oriented parallel processing)?
  5. To that end, Parallax has kindly offered to donate $500 worth of Propeller gear to DIYDrones. If you want it and can make a public commitment to starting and sharing an autopilot project here (and can demonstrate that you've got the coding experience to pull that off), I'll work with Parallax to give you the gear of your choice up to that dollar limit. Please respond in the comments.
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3D Robotics

UAV as "drug mule"?

Post by Ian Powell noted without comment (edited for clarity): "Two people emailed be about building them a UAV to travel large distances. After making some enquiries, I determined they wanted: 10kg carrying capacity speed 100km per hour distance 3000 km a drug mule uav!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems to me that this website has sparked an interest from the wrong people just as the diy mini sub is been regulated by the gov because of the same problem."
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