Arducopter 3.4.4 (PixHawk) bugs in altitude or yaw controllers?So I've been using copter 3.4.4 since January2017 and have had this mystery problem the entire time with the drone descending at random after being completely stable for 5 to 8…
"I have just found this on here I right in thinking please an awful lot of the parameter names and locations in the Arducopter documents are no longer correct for Arducopter…"
"A new (and small) datalog attached.I'm wondering what's causing the ATT.YAW edges.Is this the EKF_MAG_CAL Mode? It's set to "After first climb and yaw"And I can see in the Log EKF3-IMX, IMY and IMZ are flat then go busy at this edge.IYAW looks like…"
"Reading this on the PX4 website
I am looking for parameters for motor band limiting.I'm not sure if the below paragraph means it's something that can be adjusted, or if it's something that just…"
"Hi Andre, that's excellent thanks - I had thought of that one :) Maybe it's a case of trying other propellers. Or spinning them faster. The motors get to their maximum rpm, and the PWM at 250us is topped-out. The motors etc are using only a tiny…"
"Ok so I need to sign-up to a google drive. (I will thanks)I completely understand that it's guesswork without the info the datalogs provide.
But in my previous post I was simply asking if anyone recognised, or knew why the PWMs were diverging?I now…"
"I got the SD card working (Thank you) by formatting it and trying different Log bitmasks because some seemed unstable. I also got the attitude to be stable with good control response by manually tuning. Now the only real problem the drone has, is…"
"Thanks Again Andre!
The Bitmask, I've been looking at Logs on the Parameter List
I just wasn't clear on what was being called a sync issue. I have not seen any sync issues from bench testing.
Can a faulty power module cause DataFlash Logs not to be…"
"DataFlash Logs are still not working (they have worked for a few months and last week they just stopped working).
Tested 2 SD cards and 2 USB cables today.Tried the Log Bitmask settings.Even re-installed the latest firmware.And tried reading Logs…"
"Hi Andrea K I tested the motors and propellers on a test rig, with scales, with a normal R/C receiver, before building the drone. The arm with 2 motors (co-axial) was giving 2.1Kg thrust at full throttle.
So, you'd expect 4 arms to give 8.4Kgs full…"
"Hello and thanks for your replies!The drone weighs 5.5Kgs...Yes the power is intentionally marginal.The propellers are correctly mounted :)Power module is calibrated on current and voltage.
The batteries are new and hugely over-spec for the current…"