It seems that with each revision the default PID's seem to change. My question is are those PID changes because we found a better match or the testing airframe (assuming default arducopter airframe) or are their actual code changes that require highe
I took the tri out a bit ago for a test hover on a new battery to try and get a baseline for battery consumption. All went well, no crash or hard landings...
I just tried to take a second flight and the APM will not init. After powering the tri the A
I have two ArduCopters... One with the 850kv motors, 10x45 props and a MB1260 XL-MaxSonar-EZL0 sonar. The second one is a 880kv motors, 12x45 props and LV-MaxSonar-EZ4 sonar. Both on the latest firmware compiled in arduino-0022, 2.0.35 and uploaded t
So lets say i fly my Quad to 100 feet or so.... if i were to completely drop throttle and stop the motors the quad is obviously going to fall and tumble.. but lets say i am in stabilize mode and bring throttle back up before the 'landing'.. will the
My copter is the default Arducopter frame and setup (motors, escs, etc, from DIY Store!). I had my initial flights over the last few days and today i focused mainly on trying to get Alt-Hold and Loiter working.
While soldering the pads on a new APM (the 3 filter pads) my soldering iron slipped and dislodged a surface mount component. I thought i would be able to repaid this, i was wrong.
Please see the attached photo. The blue arrow points to the component