I've recently installed a MinimOSD which I've set up and flashed twice, it detects the heartbeats and looks ok for a few seconds then just puts up and overspeed warning.
I seem to be able to cycle through three warnings including overspeed and batt
For some reason the mission planner and the latest update (1.2.12 mav 1.0) doesn't seem to store the selection 2: AttoPilot 90A, it always goes back to 0: Other...
Alt_Hold with the EZ0 worked really well right up until the point where I turned it back to Stabilize mode where all rotors stopped rotating and my Hexcopter fell to the ground...
For some reason the telemetry log seems to stop playing and freezes
I have a KONIG USB video grabber which works really nicely with the supplied app 'MyTV'.
For some reason when I try to display the feed in the AMP it flickers at a rate of about once every 800ms or so and is in black and white, if I leave MyTV open th
This may be a silly question but I seem to be having trouble finding where you enable the second voltage/current input in the mission planner, I am running the latest arducopter (Multirotor) and AMP 1.0
I'm trying to get my motors to arm but they won't, I am running a Joystic (No Radio) and althouh the joystick is enabled and I can see the outputs moving I can't seem to get it to arm..
I have noticed that the travel does not (in the planner) go fu
Hi,I'm putting a multicopter together and will be using the ardupilot mega 2 and the adrustation, I really would like to avoid having three separate RF systems e.g. Video, Telemetry and Control (PPM)..Can I easily use the serial data connection used