I want to be able to implement an android application that could send gps coordinates to the mission planner (or whatever route would be most viable) for a flying quad to recieve and go to.
I'm working on a project where I want an arducopter to recieve waypoints from a pin dropped in an android app, go to that location, snap a picture, and transmit the image once it has been taken to a server accessible by the app. My question is: what
I've gotten the impression that this radio is nearly an all around better choice than an Xbee for telemetry, but as I have never actually worked with either, I can't say for myself. My only remaining question between this and an xbee is which can mon
I take no credit for this project other than stumbling across it on Engadget.com.
Someone apparently rigged up a tricopter for a sort of missile defense, augmented reality video game using hydrogen balloons, fireworks, and a slew of tricks with the co