I realize it may be similar, but that doesn't mean it IS the ArduPilot Pro code. Where can one get the ArduPilot Pro code so we can build and work with an ArduPilot Pro?
Just a thought that I had. If the boards and BOM are available to build a ArduPilot Pro, where is the code? Does one have to a member of some elite group to be able to get the code to work with? Doesn't make much sense to have the hardware…"
"Here is another thread at RC Groups about a DIY QuadRotor. It is called Quadruino and features a wealth of info about building your own board and lots of Arduino Code using either pulsein and ServoTimer2 or using ServoDecode and SoftwareServo. Much…"
Got it to read the pulses now. I had followed the pinout in the code but the pin numbers didn't match up and once I connected to PD7 to D7, it started working. Now Do I just repeat the code for these two channels for the next…"
The setup is my receiver is on, the servo pins are connected to pins 5&6. When I start the code it states: Ready.
Then is says Channel 1: 0
Initial Throttle: 1497
Channel 2: 0
0 -224
Initial Steer: 0
Channel 1: 0
"Thank you Chris. What I am referring to is to be able to read the pulse that leaves the receiver and goes to the servos. I have modified my receiver to be able to attach the output stream to Pin 8 and I also have tried pulseIn as you all do. PPM PWM…"
Hey all.I know this subject has been covered in many ways, but I am hoping that someone can assist me. I hope someone can have the patience to answer a few of my VERY NEWB questions.What I am trying to do is to send PWM to an arduino on an air…
"Look up the Quaduino thread on RC Groups-Helicopter-Multirotor(www.rcgroups.com) This is a very informative thread and quite long with a very large amount of data and information using the Arduino platform.
"You may want to ask this question on the UAV forum on WWW.RCGROUPS.COM. About a year ago I had this same question and one of the members of that forum forwarded me a .pdf of these instructions.
"Hey Wayne. Sounds really good. I am in process of moving into a new place so my BSX is on hold right at the moment but I will take you up on the offer as soon as I settle in.