's Discussions (39360)

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Book about UAV?


Im going to some university work to show, some automation thing for my class. And I will talk about UAV. I have some question, Can I talk about fly by wire system? The fly by wire system airplane is the similar in the UAV? And somebody have a g

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Road To Drone Autonomy Webinar Series



Road to Drone Autonomy Series is a 3-part series where we feature Drone Solution Providers (DSPs) from three different geographies from the European subcontinent to highlight the experiences and journey to adopting autonomous drone operations f

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How to become a Drone Pilot

Hello everyone, 

I've searched a lot about developing skills as a drone pilot. In my searches, Taking training to become a drone pilot from a particular academy is expensive. 

Can you guys suggest to me, What are other ways to be skilled as a drone pil

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APM 3.5 Instant Flip on Takeoff


We have a quadcopter we've built using Emlid's Edge flight controller. Everything is well calibrated (according to QGroundControl) and looks fine. Whenever we attempt to takeoff, the drone flips over on its side pretty much instantly. It is a f

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Running A Script

I am writing a script or Mission to run on my APM. My question is, does the script save in the memory of the board so it can be run without a groundstation?



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SF Bay Area Orange Cube Here3 Help

I am in the SF Bay Area and need to get my multirotor up and flying for a research project. I am lookin for hands on help. The quad is built and ready to go with missiona planner but I am running into issues. I am looking for someone to go over thing

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Quadplane development

Some people have asked me about adding quadplane support for APM:Plane for OBC2016. I've started on the code for that, and last night got it to hover as a quad and smoothly transition to plane mode.

For anyone wanting to follow along with development,

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