Dear DIYDronians,What is the longest flight time you had with your EasyStar using additional batteries?What is the MTOW for EasyStar?How much extra weight (extra batteries) it can carry?Thx
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We can calculate the UAV heading (flight directions) from multiple consecutive GPS readings if the UAV is moving. However, for a hovering, this method would not work and we may need a magnetic compass or a magnetometer (like MicroMag 3-Axis Magnetometer from SparkFun).Is there any code out there for Ardunio Mega to read 3D magnetic vector using MicroMag 3-Axis Magnetometer ?
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Is it possible (how) to determine UAV's attitude (orientation) using multiple (two) low cost GPS receivers (like those on SparkFun's GPS page) ?
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GPS receivers (without DGPS or WAAS corrections) do not provide accurate altitude information. In order to maintain accurate altitude, a pitot-static may be used.Is there anyone in this DIY Drones network who used a pilot-static sensor suite for his/her Ardupiloted UAV?
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Hello Everyone,I am excited with the ArduPilot project and the DIY Drones community activities. I decided to buy an ArduPilot from Sparkfun (they do not have in their stock at the moment). Meanwhile I am searching for ArduPilot success stories, and successful flight videos with ArduPilot. Although there are a couple of ArduPiloted EasyStar flight videos on YouTube, those videos do not show accurate navigation results (I hope I am mistaken).If you know successful flight videos of ArduPiloted UAVs, can you post their links?May be the proprietor of this site can create a new tab/section specifically reserved for the listing of ArduPilot success stories/videos.
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How to create a "realistic" UAV flight dynamic model of a popular UAV airframe (such as MutiplexEasyStar ) for simulation?
Is it possible to create a generic model such a way that the model can later be re-configured for different UAV airframes?
The model should be able to accurately approximate the next state (position, attitude, velocities and accelerations) of the UAV given its current state and control inputs (throttle, ailerons, rudder, elevator control values). That is, the model should tell me what will happen in dt (delta t, i.e. short time interval) time in the future if I apply a know set of control inputs.
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