"Hugues: Crash an aircraft and have a member of the public complain to the police about it, and they're going to want to come and check you out. It doesn't sound like the police actually did anything other than collect information on the incident. …"
"John Birkeland: Do you have a link, or some sort of other information about this special anti-ice paint? Every commercial aviation de-icing system I've heard of involves electric heaters, use of bleed-air off a turbine engine, or direct application…"
"Pre-heated props will cool down in fractions of a second. dipping them in some sort of anti-icing solution will get you tens of seconds, tops, before it is all blown off the prop. There is no hobby-grade solution that will work for you - this is…"
"@Gabe: Hey, nothing wrong with doing it just for the hell of it, especially in this hobby. Honestly, that's what most of us are doing anyway... That said:
>Another significant driving factor while considering a quadcopter was the ability to…"
"@Adam Conway: While this design requires collective blade control on each rotor, it does not need cyclic control, simplifying the swashplate assembly significantly. That said, I agree with you that this complexity seems to defeat the purpose of a…"
"@Luke: The pitch will indeed affect yaw. When the two CW blades are low-pitch and the two CCW blades are high pitch, the CCW blades will be putting more energy into the air, resulting in a yaw moment. I'd need to actually break out MATLAB and run…"
"I've always had mixed luck with the brass ones that you can buy elsewhere, so I recently ordered a batch of the 3DR ones for work. I figured they couldn't be any worse... Boy, was I wrong.Every single one had a bad leak between the static and…"