Unfortunatly, i dont have a scope and my voltmeters are not top quality either. Nevertheless, i tried with two different multimeters and they both give me about the same high peaks.
I tried another HK bec ( a bigger one)…"
"Tried 2 identical HK becs
i get a steady 5.98 on the first when connecting and then it goes down to 5.23
The second one gives me 5.88 and goes to 5.22.
Not shure if that 5.98 peek is long enough to blow the Vreg, but if it is, no wonder i now have…"
I think that your UBEC theory fits perfectly with what i experienced yesterday.
I had a perfectly good arduflyer board that i was using to test my (testbench components) to make sure they where all adequate. (usb cable, power source,…"
"One more mistake that i did once, and that gave me similar problem.....
My esc's where plugged to the apm (UPSIDE DOWN) because i was using JR servo plugs (unpolarised).
Make sure ground is on the right side..."
I really think that there is something wrong with the video out, because my monitor connected to the video RX shows a (no signal) msg, meaning that its not only a issue of blank characters, but no signal at all...."
"Paul, what lawmate tx model do you have. I have a few but thay all have the same pin layout that are: as in this http://www.dpcav.com/data_sheets/TM121800_usa.pdfmodel.
I dont know where this 5v is comming from, but normally you have 12v input…"
"Sandro, both boards are v0.1.
Initially one stage was powered via 12v as specified in the doc. and (without soldered jumpers) and connected to the APM. The Charset upload seemed to have worked (done), but after that no more video signal, just a grey…"
No i dd not feed it by both stages. I did via the 12v, without jumpers, but the board was getting really hot.The board worked fine as shipped, except that i had some msg when booting it saying to load charset at the bottom of the…"
No i dd not feed it by both stages. I did via the 12v, without jumpers, but the board was getting really hot.The board worked fine as shipped, except that i had some msg when booting it saying to load charset at the bottom of the…"
"Paul, dont forget, if you solder these jumpers, use 5v APM feed ONLY, and not the 12 v feeding the video and camera, otherwise you ll frie the board..."