I seem to have an issue with my APM 2.6 board. It seems I can no longer successfully write parameters from MP. I've tried multiple files without success, normally it gets to parameter 15 ish and then just stops.... Any ideas?
So I finally figured out why I was losing the overlay on my MinimOSD - It was browning out under load due to voltage fluctuations (See attached graph of the APM VCC graph). The rest of the components seem to be able to cope with the fluctuati
I was out testing today and realised that I'm losing the overlay. I've turned off all switching in the CT tool so it's not that. I simply lose the overlay but the video remains on screen. It seems it's r
I have bridged my MinimOSD to provide 5v to both sides of the board, with this in mind do you think it's possible to power the FPV TX (Requires (6.5-15v but I'm informed it steps that down to 5v so should work off a 5v direct supply) direct