Hello,I recently wanted to test a 100w Led on my Octocopter and i was on my way home with my drone in the trunk. I stopped at a random field at 11pm, it was pitch black. Amazed by the Led I send a simple mission to the drone over Tower and at…
"Hello Randy!
Just kindly wanted to ask if you are developing some features for the epm from nicadrone? I just ordered one and I think it has a huge potential.
Thank you so much to all you developers who are working so hard, you truly amaze me…"
Hello,Today i changed my pixhawk mount because it was giving me too much vibrations. I went to the field and did autotune with success and disarmed without trying the new PID's... (stupid) I put it in loiter and got off the ground and it was shaking…
I'm not an expert either but it seems that we have the same problem! I reviewed your log and it shows that you have a lot of vibrations too: Test:
IMU Mismatch = WARN - Check vibration or accelerometer calibration. (Mismatch: 1.09, WARN: 0.75,…"
"Okay so this isn't repairable with a factory reset and new calibration and everything?
Well it fell 300m down because 1) a prop broke OR 2) the little thing (don't know how it's called in english) which holds the shaft of the motor snapped away,…"
"WOW!! Amazin thank you so much!! Unfortunately i didn't have "stabalize"programmed in my taranis...
This is a clone from Hobbyking, do you think it has something to do with them? Should i stop using it? What about the voltage, doesn't that look like…"