"Has anyone identified or isolated the problem when using a "Pixhawk Lite" you receive non-stop "Error Compass Varriance" reports from Mission Planner?
Is anyone running a "Pixhawk Lite" without these problems?"
On this "Error Compass Variance" issue I and a few others seem to be having with Pixhawk Lites, what specifically are the 2 things that are being compared and found to have a variance, and what is the threshold? Might help if we can graph…"
"Using 3.3rc8 I'm getting and error in Mission Planner - Error Compass Variance
Seems like others have seen this issue, but I've not found a solution yet in this thread. Is there a fix for this problem, or is this recognized as a problem yet?…"
"Flying 3.3 rc8 on a 250 class racer. Just got it built. I use a 1300mah 3 cell battery.
I am trying to do an autotune. Auto tune starts and gets past the autotune of the roll and into the pitch autotune. I only get about 5 minutes of flight time,…"
Just installed a pixhawk on my QAV540 quad, and for some reason it will not spin the motors after arming and in manual mode. I know the ESCs and motors work cause if I hook the ESC directly to chanel 5 of my receiver I can move the throttle up and…
Just received my APM2.5 http://store.3drobotics.com/products/apm-2-5-kit with 915mhz Wireless Telemetry. I have looked everywhere and cant find a install / setup guide to tell me how to wire this thing, or configure it. Can someone provide a link…