Trent at MyGeekShow's Discussions (10)

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Missing Radio 4?

Hello DIYD Masters!

I'm setting up a new Pixhawk, and when I go to calibrate the radio, channel 4 is missing. I'm using mission planner 1.3.1. Channel 4 servo also doesn't respond as if it isn't connected, however when I connect the servo directly to

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Continue Mission on Signal Loss?

Hello DIYD experts! I've been trying to get the continue mission on signal loss to work for the last few days, and wanted to see if you can spot what I might be doing wrong. I've captured it all in the video above.

I'm running Mission Planner 1.2.60 a

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Apparent Acceleromter Error?

Hello APM Experts!


I've been having great success with my APM (about 20 flights), and recently tried doing an auto land mission, but am suddenly having some trouble with my APM, wonder if any of you have experienced this as well and might have any su

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