"I know, this thread probably is sleeping... last entry March 2, 2011. But anyway i bought the ArduLog V2 from Flytron and tried to install it as DataLogger from my Dianmu Autopilot. I connected it up as sugested +v, Grnd. and TX to RX. The light is…"
HiIs there a way to avoid, that the motors turn completely off while flying in Stab mode and taking the throttle completly off ?I flew with Naza before and they had something like intelligent cut-off so to come down i was able to completly take the…
As the APM is not powering the Servos i'm a bit lost how to connect the 2 Servos i have to the APM 2.5+ is there a Diagram i can take a look or something like this, i have 2 Servos with a 3…"
It worked for a few flights but than one day i connected and sawon the Radio telemetry this behavior which i don't bring away, i have the APM sine 5 days now, i think it's defective or do you know what it can be ?I can't calibrate because it gives…
Hi allAs alot of you are flying Bixler 2s i'm sure there is a Param File i can get, tried today to fly but had to go in every flight back to Manual as the Plane on the Mission lost alot of height in the corners.So i'm flying the following:Bixler…