druckgott's Discussions (30)

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Roll drifting



I have a quadcopter in + Mode.


Since I have updatet from .33 to .38 I always have a drift to the right side with the copter.

I have leveled the copter several times. In the Gui the horizont is absolutly ok.


But If I fly the copter always goes t

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Sparkfun Magnetometer HMC5843

Hallo, how can I aktivate this magnetometer, do I have manually upload the arduino code, or is it positble to aktivate this in the Mission Planer?


If it´s posible to do this this the mission planer, how do I have to mount the sparfun Magnetometer?



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Problem with direction of Roll

Hallo, I have a Quadcopter in + mode.


I have testet it today first time, but I can´t fly with it because the copter goes to the right back one. So the left and front Propeller goes up and the back and rear propeller turns to slow.


I have run the setu

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