"Hello - I have some questions on using Mission Planner with SITL:
1) Is it possible to maneuver the copter manually as you would with an Remote Controller ?
2) How would I use SITL with my own customized copter build or a beta version of a
"Hi Randy,
I was able to connect SITL to the Mission Planner via UDP.
Now I have some questions on how to use Mission Planner with SITL:
1) Is there a wiki that explains how to maneuver the copter ?
2) How would I use SITL with my own customized or a…"
"Hi Stephen,
Thank you for your suggestions. I did not use the bridged network option
because I could not view clearly your attached images. However, I was able to make a connection to
the Mission Planner using the NAT network option. What I was…"
"Hi - I have the same problem. SITL runs on the Ubuntu virtual machine giving me a map,
a console, and a couple of terminals with various data. However, I am not able to connect the the Mission Planner.
I have followed Randy's instructions to…"
"Hello - Thank you for your help. I reduced the compiled code size to less
than 242KB and everything worked fine.
Now I will start to look at the code itself and try to find out what it is doing.
Thank you.
"Hello - I thought that everything worked fine after I following your suggestions but
there are a few more glitches.
The ArduCopter V3.2-rc4 source code compiled successfully using
ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows-gcc482 and it could also be uploaded…"