Great news! ArduPilot is now available to buy at Sparkfun. The price is $24.95 (or buy 100 at $19.96 each ;-)). Note: there is a limited number available now, but Sparkfun can make more pretty quickly so get your order in now and they'll be filled from backorder in the order they were received.
[Update on availability from Sparkfun: ~15 coming out of production today/morrow. 63 more PCBs ready. Waiting on xtals (probably about a week).]You'll also need an EM406 GPS module, and for all but the most stable planes, an FMA Co-Pilot, so unless you already have those items, the total cost of the autopilot will be around $155.
Huge thanks to Nathan Siedle at Sparkfun for helping us get through the production snafus and otherwise taking this project under his wing. Now let's win his autonomous vehicle competition with an ArduPilot-guided plane!
Yes, it can work with both a double throw or triple throw switch.
Basically, just follow the instructions on the ArduPilot home page!
(Now I just need to hook it up and test it.)

---I am impressed with the quick, polite, and SMART customer service given to me by the TechSupport department at Sparkfun.Com
[Sparkfun if you're reading this you may quote me as you please.]

Because it (the drip) is on top of everthing, it is likely not from the board manufacturing process in China where the PCBs are etched, but it may be from the "couple of guys with soldering irons" working at Sparkfun.