I wanna share this with you guys to show you how ArduCopter is stronger than traditionnal ar drone :)
these guys playing with their drone said that they bought it for their children :)

I Fly with 2.0.35 who is what i need for now for my movies. The frame is home made (cheap with 10mm alu).

I stay available for details of my design.
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  • But what about the design?  You've certainly created a stable, responsive craft.  Any chance of some photos/specs?  I'm all about making a Y6 next, it seems the best all-round design for the best control, stability and power blend.

  • you right guys about security, i will take more precaution in the futur.

  • One of the most irresponsible bit of flying I've seen ever. Jerks like you will ruin it for everyone. Did you ask those people if you could buzz them with a flying queezenart. Stop being such a jerk. If something happened and some one was cut would you post that vid? Try keeping a low profile next time. You are a skilled pilot, yet you have zero discipline and apparently no respect for safety of bystanders.

  • Nice work and good flying but you can still have just as much fun without flying near or over people. As we all know those props can do some serious damage very quickly so please - avoid flying over people, it just isn't worth the risk to you or our hobby. Thanks.

  • yep you right but i like it as well... i will try to put the Go Pro lower next time.
  • Nice flight, but, unfortunately, propellers interfere with the view from camera..

  • DEFINATELY better than the AR drone, i have one and quite frankly its disappointing for its price point. It won't fly higher than 10-15ft, and sure the iPhone control idea is novel, but its that at best, i've NEVER used the accelerometer based control because its just not good, and touchscreen lacks any tactile feedback so you have to look @ the screen to know what you're doing, which is a problem because the video link is like watching youtube on a 56.6kbps modem. Looks real nice though i like how aerobatic(ish) that your quad is in the air, very maneuverable.
  • yess you right because i've broke my Keda 20-26 :) keda is smooth because of ball bearings ! but i've done with what i get :)
  • Nice vid, is that a scorpion motor from gaui 330X S :D

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